Black Metal.

Just got back from seeing it, pretty good flick, Fenriz is a little hard to follow sometimes. And now I get what you mean about being depressed after watching it.
Chaos Moon - Langour Into Echoes, Beyond is a pretty good album. The long track in the middle is meh and too keyboardy, but this is a solid effort. The good parts are very good, which makes some of the middling parts a little disappointing. Potentially a better band, if the production values got a bit better and composition tighter. Worth hearing, for sure.

Good band, I regret not seeing them and Frostmoon Eclipse last year :/
Chaos Moon - Langour Into Echoes, Beyond is a pretty good album. The long track in the middle is meh and too keyboardy, but this is a solid effort. The good parts are very good, which makes some of the middling parts a little disappointing. Potentially a better band, if the production values got a bit better and composition tighter. Worth hearing, for sure.

best usbm that ive heard, their other release is good too but havent gotten the split yet
So, I've really been checking out a lot of Les Légions Noires projects lately, espically Moëvöt, Dzlvarv, Torgeist and Belketre.

I'm pretty impressed with it. So gloomy and pleasantly disturbing.
I used to listen to Lja. I should give them another shot.

It seems the main composer has left the band :(

Well, "Til Avsky for Livet" is still a great album. The second track has the coolest title I've ever seen - In Denmark and Norway it's a tradition to sing stupid Christian Christmas carrols while we are walking around a dressed up pine tree. One of these carrols is named "Et Barn er Født i Bethlehem" which means "A child has been born in Bethlehem". Ljå changed the letter F with a D making it: "A child is dead in Bethlehem" :)
Schwärzung;8743070 said:
So, I've really been checking out a lot of Les Légions Noires projects lately, espically Moëvöt, Dzlvarv, Torgeist and Belketre.

I'm pretty impressed with it. So gloomy and pleasantly disturbing.
Vlad Tepes is the best LLN-band (and one of the best bands ever!). Those you mentioned are good too, lots of the more unknown projects are pretty bad though imo.
Vlad Tepes' split album with Belketre, March to the Black Holocaust, is very good.

I like some LLN stuff a lot, but I like some pretty wonky shit. Most of it is nothing to go nuts over, but it's interesting stuff. Some of it is amazing, though, like Mütiilation's best records.
So, Dordeduh (Hupogrammos and Sol Faur from Negura Bunget) have signed with Prophecy/Lupus Lounge. I am very excited about this!

Musically, Dordeduh will follow the path opened by Negura Bunget, but the musical act will open new perspectives as they will experiment with a new way of approaching black metal as well as using traditional instruments. Hupogrammos: "It is normal for musicians to evolve and develop with every album released, but our goal is to push forward this natural development and to make Dordeduh distinguishable from our musical past." The first material released by Lupus Lounge / Prophecy will be a 7" EP with two songs stylistically quite different from each other, but both capable to provide an idea as to how the first Dordeduh first album (due to be released later in 2010) will sound like.