Black Metal.

I've heard Sworn to the Dark and Casus Luciferi and favor the former.

This kind of blows my mind. I thought Sworn to the Dark was merely passable whereas Casus Luciferi is first tier Dissection worship, although the songwriting is definitely more formulaic than anything off of Storm of the Light's Bane, but those hooks are so damn catchy and yet still EVIL. I don't know, it's not certainly not groundbreaking but for the style they play, that album is pretty hard to top in my opinion. You should give it one more chance :)
Been listening to Pure Holocaust a bunch today. It never sunk in like DFM did but now I am getting it and liking it a lot more than I did in the past. It is more of an album that demands you pay attention to it or else it just kind of buzzes by. Some solid un-distracted listens have given me a much better appreciation of it.