Black Metal.

Good album. I like the closing track a lot, even though it's basically just the same thing over and over. Still super badass.

Also, I am late to the party with Ruins Of Beverast. What's the general opinion on the boards about "Rain Upon The Impure?" I just listened to it, and I really enjoyed it. I heard that there was a lot of fuss about the production sucking or something, dunno what that's all about, it sounded fine to me...
Rain Upon The Impure is boring and it does have pretty terrible production. Too quiet and muddy. Listen to Unlock the Shrine and then see if you still find RUTI listenable, aside from the one good song. It's so dynamic and interesting, and it doesn't beat every riff into the ground. The Mine is an amazing song.
like crazy diamonds

I don't know. Varg has to realize that since he hasn't released anything in so long, literally, every little thing about Belus is going to be put under a microscope. and because of his infamous personality.
Except the music. I expect a lot of people to proclaim it the best album of the decade after a couple of listens or something.
oh I'm sure there will be plenty of those people, but I'm sure there will be an equal amount of people who claim that it doesn't touch his older works or it's just shit and don't like Burzum to begin with
i'm expecting it to be one of the better BM releases in a while but wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't all that great
Maledicere is very good. I am looking forward to seeing them on Jan. 3, Headlining a $3 Empty Bottle show, that everyone local should attend. The Bottle is great. NWN has their tape for $4, and I'd encourage people to gamble on it in their next order. Fantastic sound for a demo. Would work for the people here who can't enjoy anything that doesn't sound old. Recalls a lot of great bands without ever seeming like aping anyone. Probably the first USBM band to ever remind me of the old Polish bands.

I also enjoy that they put the exact same thing on each side of the tape.
oh I'm sure there will be plenty of those people, but I'm sure there will be an equal amount of people who claim that it doesn't touch his older works or it's just shit and don't like Burzum to begin with

Shitty or not his older material is still timeless. Fuck dem naysayers there's no point to judge anything on those standards
I've never really listened to any black metal before, what are good bands to start with? I'm very into death and thrash but haven't got round to exploring this genre before.
Before everyone bombards you with a ton of new bands they think are rad let me suggest starting with some classic time tested albums and bands.

A Blaze In The Northern Sky by Darkthrone has some Death Metal riffs and it is a fucking classic so check it out.

De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
by Mayhem has a clearer production than most so that may make the transition a bit easier. Also one of the best BM albums ever. Check it out.

You may dig some Bathory as well. 1st wave BM with a very Thrashy sound. Check out the debut, Bathory, The Return..., Under The Sign of The Black Mark and Blood Fire Death.

There are a ton more, but I am lazy.
burzum 'hvis lyset tar oss' and darkthrone 'transilvanian hunger' are always the two i'd recommend to newcomers. i don't believe in going halfway 'cause it never worked that way for me, just throw 'em in at the otherworldly genre-defining deep end, and whilst they're unlikely to get it immediately they'll at least be *fascinated*, and that will eventually spark into something more given time. or maybe it won't, but i see no reason why people who like some death metal, or, sort-of-controversial statement this, even people who like some of the more dreamlike traditional metal, wouldn't also like some full-on black metal once they got over the superficial hurdles (e.g. the vox and production).