Black Metal.

I like black metal that isn't gay. Engram is the single most obvious choice, and I already know about it.
So I'm guessing you don't like black metal that's too post/folk/avant garde, unless you're of a different mindset than most people who have said such things. You'd probably like:

Embrace of Thorns - Atonement Ritual (unless you don't like bestial shit)
Arckanum - PPPPPPPP
Drudkh - Microcosmos
Katharsis - Fourth Reich
Master's Hammer - Mantras
well and Windir was also a pretty solid band, so it only makes sense that the band to rise from its ashes would be different and sound a lot like...Windir
Ha, yeah that's true; but they'll never replace Valfar. Monument is very similar to Windir in many respects (mainly the guitar work), but there's a bit less of the folk influence.