Black Metal.

^ Sound reasoning. Transilvanian Hunger was one of my first BM albums and I think that set me up in a good way to further appreciate the genre.
Transilvanian Hunger is my first Darkthrone CD, very good btw.
I need to get Blaze in The Northern Sky though, The Pagan Winter and Where Cold Winds Blew are great songs.
burzum 'hvis lyset tar oss' and darkthrone 'transilvanian hunger' are always the two i'd recommend to newcomers. i don't believe in going halfway 'cause it never worked that way for me, just throw 'em in at the otherworldly genre-defining deep end, and whilst they're unlikely to get it immediately they'll at least be *fascinated*, and that will eventually spark into something more given time.

I love it
I've never really listened to any black metal before, what are good bands to start with? I'm very into death and thrash but haven't got round to exploring this genre before.

Mysticum - In the Streams of Inferno
Thanks for the recommendations guys I'll try and check those out soon. Am listening to immortal's new album now, I'm liking it a lot.
yeah. Their new album, though, is just miles ahead of their previous album. Resplendent Grotesque will definitely make my top 10 of the year; it's a great and enjoyable record. It also clearly shows that Kvohst and Vicotnik make quite the vocal duo. really good stuff