Black Metal.

I've been loving In the Sign of the Horns or whatever that song is called from Blaze in the Northern Sky ever since I started actually giving that album my full attention, that song is flawless pure black metal.
In The Shadow of The Horns.

Just listened to Hate Them. Underrated me thinks. It just sounds so pissed off and bitter. Good stuff. Not Black Metal majesty, but angry for sure.
I love blackmetal but I'm more into obscure blackmetal.
I am one of those people who is always on the search for new obscure black metal almost to the point of pretension.

I'm all about bands like "Wolves in the Throne room","Deathspell", "Xasthur","Blut Aus Nord","Caina", "Endstille" and "Glorior Belli"

But I still love the classics: Emperor, Enslaved, Mayhem, Darkthrone, Satyricon etc..

My most recent obsession is a band called "Thantifaxath" who claims to be from Antarctica. Check these guys out at:

Anyone else have any new underground blackmetal to share?