Black Metal.

I feel compelled to make my semi-regular post to say that Leviathan is really under-appreciated. The guy excels at every aspect of making metal music, especially drums, bass, and vocals, which is rare from a solo band. His reputation suffers from not having a standout release, but there are probably two-dozen worth checking out. It's so hard to pick one, because the style really has moved around a lot. But The Tenth Sub-Level of Suicide really kicks the shit out of the Bethlehem/Silencer style, and The Blind Wound EP is a superb example of the modern melodic style. There's no release of his that isn't worth hearing.
LoC is great, but you're looking at one proper album and a demo or two vs. three proper albums, and numerous splits and demos. The consistent quality over such a multitude of work is staggering. What I've heard of those Leviathan demos is fantastic.
LoC is great, but you're looking at one proper album and a demo or two vs. three proper albums, and numerous splits and demos. The consistent quality over such a multitude of work is staggering. What I've heard of those Leviathan demos is fantastic.

Though it's true Leviathan has been more prolific, I would put Lurker of Chalice over anything I've heard under Wrest's Leviathan alias. There just seems to be much more going on than what is done in Leviathan, a bit more experimental if you will
You can turn up the LoC demos on YouTube, and it's a mix of what appears on the LoC album and assorted Leviathan demos. If you digest Verrater in its entirety, there's a shit-ton of variety for a one-man band.

I'm listening to Massive Conspiracy Against All Life right now, and this is essentially a greatest hits. "Merging With Sword, Onto Them" is more or less a compilation of everything he's done into one terrific song. It summarizes all of Leviathan perfectly. The album is very solid aside from this, too.

Wrest is also a better drummer than 99.5% of black metal drummers, if not better. He's incredible.
Jesus fucken Christ. Just when I thought doing better than Weltanschauung was almost impossible, they pull this record out of their asses.

This is a seriously incredible album. How the fuck do they keep creating such brilliant art is beyond me:

Jesus fucken Christ. Just when I thought doing better than Weltanschauung was almost impossible, they pull this record out of their asses.

This is a seriously incredible album. How the fuck do they keep creating such brilliant art is beyond me:


I am loving this album. There's something about the production that makes everything sound thicker. I thought I was listening to an industrial band when my Canadian friend showed me "White Tower". It's not like the separate parts are anything special, but the textures created by the production as well as the band as a whole are what make this album worthwhile to me.