Black Metal.

I've finally warmed up to Velvet Cacoon - P Aa Opal Poere Pr, 33. It took me a while to realize this is a blues/black metal album. From a lot of the rhythms and drum beats and the underwater atmosphere, it kind of straddles the sea shanty/bluesy feel. It is quite unique, and the best moments are still really catchy. It is not as good as their other stuff, but it has value to me.

I like Atropine also. I like VC's approach to ambient a lot. I found this to be a worthwhile release.

Also, SVEST is so underrated. Holy shit, this band is awesome. I can't believe what they did on the DsO split went so under the radar. This is incredible.
Agreed about S.V.E.S.T. and I must add that their album Urfaust is also a work of genius.

Has anyone here heard the album "A Spell for the Death of Man" by Woe that came out in '08? I'm really digging it. It doesn't rewrite the book for black metal, but it's unique enough and in addition it contains great songwriting and energetic/skillful musicianship. I highly recommend it.
Jesus Christ. Just came home from watching WITTR. I didn't think they could be more boring live than recorded, but they totally sucked. Just plain awful.
Just because this seems to dumb to make an actual rec thread for... what are some of the best black metal albums with "black metal guys" on the cover? Think darkthrone.. a blaze, transilvainian hunger, under a funeral moon if I didnt explain myself well enough.

I've probably missed out on alot of great albums because those type of album arts turned me away.

Well that ends today!
I'm only familiar with Altar of Plagues, but I made the mistake once of saying they were from North America (I think I actually thought they were from Canada), before I'd really gotten into them. They definitely share a similar aesthetic.
Just because this seems to dumb to make an actual rec thread for... what are some of the best black metal albums with "black metal guys" on the cover? Think darkthrone.. a blaze, transilvainian hunger, under a funeral moon if I didnt explain myself well enough.

I've probably missed out on alot of great albums because those type of album arts turned me away.

Well that ends today!

Sargeist - Satanic Black Devotion
Anyone got some specific recs (as in no 100-band lists of every somewhat relevant band you know) of bands/albums that are atmospherically and stylistically similar to The Ruins of Beverast' last two albums? Most atmospheric/depressive bm just comes nowhere close to this for me...ideally I'd like some doom in there as two of my favorite songs are "Soliloquy of the Stigmatised Shepherd" and "I Raised This Stone as a Ghastly Memorial".
Anyone got some specific recs (as in no 100-band lists of every somewhat relevant band you know) of bands/albums that are atmospherically and stylistically similar to The Ruins of Beverast' last two albums? Most atmospheric/depressive bm just comes nowhere close to this for me...ideally I'd like some doom in there as two of my favorite songs are "Soliloquy of the Stigmatised Shepherd" and "I Raised This Stone as a Ghastly Memorial".

Ever listened to Blood Of The Black Owl? Not as good as The Ruins of Beverast IMO, but it might be the atmosphere you are looking for.
So does anyone else associate bands that have a clearly US-based sound with the US scene? Bands like Lux Divina (Spain), Altar of Plagues (Ireland), and Skagos (Canada) all sound like USBM bands to me.

I can understand Altar of Plagues since they have a bit of that post-whatever vibe in them, but I don't think so in regards to Skagos. They don't really remind me of a particular regional scene.

never heard Lux Divina, so I can't comment on them