Black Metal.

Has anybody heard of a band called Diamatregon? I've been listening to some of their songs and I like this stuff. It's weird but sounds very promising to me.

I also kind of like this band Kult Ofenzivy. They're weird too. The cover of their latest album looks sort of fascist but I can't tell if they're NS or not.

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Onder was talking about the newest Kult Ofenzivy album and saying it looked a bit too Nazi for him, and he speaks Czech so...yeah. But they're good regardless.
Hmmm, I haven't seen anything actually stating that they're NSBM. Apparently they're really into Nietzsche, which may lead to some ideological and aesthetic overlap with Nazism even if they aren't Nazis strictly speaking.
Nietzsche wasn't really a Nazi at all nor affiliated with NS ideals, as far as I'm aware.

I know that. I should know because I've read almost his entire corpus of philosophical writings many times over. Of course, it would've been impossible for him to be part of the Nazi movement since it didn't exist when he was alive, but some people think some of his ideas were forerunners of certain Nazi ideas. He certainly wasn't antisemitic, at least not in the biological racist sense that the Nazis were. However, there are specific passages in his work that reek of the sort of elitist fascism that some bm bands subscribe to, and those passages are pretty hard to whitewash.

I wouldn't be surprised if that band was NS. That album cover looks pretty shady.
Yes, they were influential but most likely just the core concepts, as the Nazis didn't read his writings very well and merely took some of his broader concepts (out of context, even).

I would say that Radikalni Ateismus means Radical Atheism...maybe Onder could clue us in on what the other part says?
Kult Ofenzivy took me a little while to get into, but there's some good stuff going on there. I've been starting to explore some of the non-folky Eastern European stuff more lately. I've had my fill of flutes and keyboards. The most recent Nav' album was to my liking.
Is it just me or does BM lend itself very well towards blending over with other genres of metal and even other kinds of music? The only other one I can think of that crosses over so well is Progressive, but that's kind of a core attribute of Prog, almost a given. BM on the other hands blends rather well, but that doesn't seem to be a core value of the genre- it just works regardless. Thrash, Death, Doom, Power, Stoner and the rest all seem to have their place and definitely blend over some, but not nearly as much or as well as BM.

Or is what I'm noticing here more the fact that BM is less rigidly defined than other genres? Lets take a few bands for example here that I'm rather familiar with: Immortal, Wolves in the Throne Room, Windir. Quite different for all being in the same genre, no? Are we lumping too many styles under the same banner here or is the genre really just that accommodating?
Black metal is generally primarily defined by aesthetic and then by music.

Fair enough. Individuality, a certain dark vibe and a touch of "epic" are almost always present in what I've listened to, but beyond that there's just so much variation it's tough to put a qualifier for a band really fitting in the genre.
V5's right about the aesthetic; that's why bands like Samael, Primordial and Arcturus can be classified as black metal without adhering strictly to the typical musical distinctions.
I would say that Radikalni Ateismus means Radical Atheism...maybe Onder could clue us in on what the other part says?

Nadčlověk is translated as Superman by every dictionary but I'm unsure if that's what you call it in US (because I imagine the comics Superman tbh). Nadčlověk is the human of the new clean race that Hitler/fascists tried to create (as pictured on the cover I guess). The blond aryan with blue eyes, not malformed genetically and shit. What do you call that?

The title says then: Radical Atheism - To The Creators of ****.

The titles of songs then say that creating this superrace is humanly alright and that people should never more support the "unfitting" etc. :bah: I can't hear every word in the songs but there are also references to judes going to death and shit.

I have to agree though that it fits into the music.
Nadčlověk is translated as Superman by every dictionary but I'm unsure if that's what you call it in US (because I imagine the comics Superman tbh). Nadčlověk is the human of the new clean race that Hitler/fascists tried to create (as pictured on the cover I guess). The blond aryan with blue eyes, not malformed genetically and shit. What do you call that?

The title says then: Radical Atheism - To The Creators of ****.

The titles of songs then say that creating this superrace is humanly alright and that people should never more support the "unfitting" etc. :bah: I can't hear every word in the songs but there are also references to judes going to death and shit.

I have to agree though that it fits into the music.

Heh, it's the same misunderstanding of Nietzsche's ideals that the Nazis had then, that's amusing.