Black Metal.

Anyone like Thralldom or The Howling Wind? Both are projects of Ryan Lipynsky. The Howling Wind just released their new album. The sample track on their myspace sounds really good.
The new Xasthur EP is to my liking. The songs sound like B sides from the Subliminal Genocide era, which I think is his best. I'm hoping the upcoming final album is stronger than the previous two.

Cool, didnt know Xasthur had a new demo out. Ill need to give it a listen.

edit: Also did not know that portal of sorrow is the last xasthur album ever. Hopefully its better than all reflections drained.
Also, i put it in the black metal thread, maybe because people still consider it black metal.
That wasn't really about your post. Just was saying in general, that they are now some industrial mess. The only thing that's left from black metal there is their Samael-ish visual style.
I think I'm going to call my local record store and see if they have them.

They're not going to have Malestrit until Tuesday and they didn't know what I was talking about when I asked about the other one. I'm going shopping today, dammit. Bastards...
This isn't really a black metal question but I wouldn't know where else to put it..

Anyone know anything about Mikko Aspa's other projects besides DsO/Clandestine Blaze/Stabat Mater i.e. Fleshpress, Morbid Savouring, etc. Just kinda poking around metal archives and curious as to whether anything else from the guy is worthwhile.

Fleshpress is AMAZING. His noise work is good too, as well as his industrial/power electronics...check out Grunt.

edit: also, obligatory "I've met him" aside