Black Metal.

For those whom are fans, A Forest of Stars new album is due out in the next few months. Transcendental Creations posted a tentative release date of May. The album is called 'Opportunistic Thieves of Spring.' Hopefully said release holds up to and surpasses 'The Corpse of Rebirth.'
For those whom are fans, A Forest of Stars new album is due out in the next few months. Transcendental Creations posted a tentative release date of May. The album is called 'Opportunistic Thieves of Spring.' Hopefully said release holds up to and surpasses 'The Corpse of Rebirth.'

awesome :kickass:
I keep spewing their name all over here but I really recommend Be Persecuted, who are from China. Their vocalist is female and she sounds like Varg sometimes. Very bleak stuff, recommended album is "I.I" As for further bleakness I like "The Insignificance of Life" by Anti and "Il Etait Une Foret" by Gris, and Paysage d'Hiver are bleak as heck.
Be Persecute, Anti, and Gris are all really great bands. Be Persecuted's new album is slightly worse than I.I but I only listened to it once so maybe it's a grower.

Original Sin is just okay, from what I've heard. There was really no particular national character that I could grasp.
I'd say Original Sin are slightly above "just okay" but not by much.
Anyone a fan of Sun of the Blind? Was listening to some random channels and 'Ornaments' came on. Good stuff. I think I'm gonna do some more listening tonight.
Jesus, really? Sorry for putting a few bands that weren't. I swore Amorphis and Wintersun was. And did I put Dead Congregation? Dang, I met to put Den Saakaldte. I was listening to Dead Congregation at the time The D's got me. But really, big deal I put a few bands that I thought were.

And even though I didn't mean to put Dead Congregation, I thought they were. Maybe I just suck. I don't know. I tried.

Yeah, just looked up Dead Congregation, they are death metal. They still rule though, I don't care.
This isn't really a black metal question but I wouldn't know where else to put it..

Anyone know anything about Mikko Aspa's other projects besides DsO/Clandestine Blaze/Stabat Mater i.e. Fleshpress, Morbid Savouring, etc. Just kinda poking around metal archives and curious as to whether anything else from the guy is worthwhile.