Black Metal.

Lost Life - "Odium (The Downfall of Bleeding Hearts)"

Sounds lo-fi and synthesized as all fuck (shitty MIDI synths, shitty MIDI drum machine) but I love it. Awesome so far. Anybody heard it?
Yeah, supposedly he is going on to do some other project that has nothing to do with metal. This fucking sucks. He could at least hang himself or something and it would make for the most awesome way to conclude a suicidal bm band.
He was pretty much done recording high quality material anyway. I think he probably felt Subliminal Genocide was the final word on what he could do with that style, and then the last two albums are weaker than all that preceded them. I wonder if the new one will be more of the same sleepy stuff, or if he'll go back to something more uptempo and arpeggio-based.

The 2000s USBM core has all pretty much moved on now. Leviathan seems done, Xasthur is officially done, Krieg is mostly done, Nachtmystium is not playing black metal. I'll be interested to see what Wrest and Malefic do in the future, as they are still very talented guys, but maybe have exhausted what they can do within their old bands. I do think Wrest could put out metal albums until the end of time and they would all rule, but if the next project is Lurker of Chalice level of quality, then I don't think anyone will be disappointed.
I was thinking about Lifelover today and how they ruined so much DSBM for me. For all the hate they get, they're an anti-trend, in my opinion. I'll be listening to Krohm or something and a gay little lick from a Lifelover song will pop into my head. Fucking Lifelover, bringing the gay.
Maybe Wrest could go back to doing marginally interesting mathrock like he did in Gift Horse rather than tedious trendblackmetal.

I need to check out Lifelover. I'd like to see the whole post-black metal (or whatever you want to call it) thing really deliver but as far as I can tell it hasn't yet. The Amesoeurs LP was a total washout after the amazing EP. I hear Les Discrets is good but I haven't heard it yet and I'm not even sure if it's in that style. The Amesoeurs EP proved there's potential in writing what is essentially pop music with black metal aesthetics + technique but every other attempt at that is kinda bad. I guess Forgotten Woods are aight but most of their songs are realllly long when they have no need to be.

Speaking of Neige projects the new Alcest is one boring record.
Lifelover is more awesome than I expected, although that last EP just sounds like B sides from Konkurs. I'm not sure if any of those songs make the cut for the album. I wouldn't consider them post-black metal. They seem to have veered away from the outright pop of the first album. Konkurs deals mostly with metal ideas.

That last Forgotten Woods album was awful.
He was pretty much done recording high quality material anyway. I think he probably felt Subliminal Genocide was the final word on what he could do with that style, and then the last two albums are weaker than all that preceded them. I wonder if the new one will be more of the same sleepy stuff, or if he'll go back to something more uptempo and arpeggio-based.

The 2000s USBM core has all pretty much moved on now. Leviathan seems done, Xasthur is officially done, Krieg is mostly done, Nachtmystium is not playing black metal. I'll be interested to see what Wrest and Malefic do in the future, as they are still very talented guys, but maybe have exhausted what they can do within their old bands. I do think Wrest could put out metal albums until the end of time and they would all rule, but if the next project is Lurker of Chalice level of quality, then I don't think anyone will be disappointed.
That's a shame. I initially didn't like Xasthur's newest couple of albums but they grew on me. USBM is what initially got me into black metal so I'm kind of sad to see all the greats go away. I haven't been able to get into Krallice or Wolves in the Throne Room and they seem like all that's left.
I actually don't see the appeal in Krallice, after checking out Dimensional Bleedthrough. :erk:

I mean technically it's good but it just seems really contrived. And it just seems to draaaaaaaaaaaaag.
The first Krallice album is outstanding, but the second definitely has some dry spells. Still works for me for work listening, where I can drift out for 3-5 minutes if the parts are just merely there. Krallice - s/t is one of my best of the decade picks. Dimensional Bleedthrough has the amazing first song, and the great guitar ambiance track, but the other ones are weaker than the s/t. Weak parts aside, some of the melodies are so captivating that one riff can easily overshadow what a lot of bands do on one album. The great part about about the s/t was that half of the riffs were that great, and the great songs were just superb.
Self titled is a fuckload better imo. Dimensional Bleedthrough has it's moments, but it also has over drawn out sections that kinda take out the atmosphere of the record.

Agreed, i thoroughly enjoyed the self titled, listened to a few tracks from the latest and thought they lost the fire.