Black Metal.

I actually don't see the appeal in Krallice, after checking out Dimensional Bleedthrough. :erk:

I mean technically it's good but it just seems really contrived. And it just seems to draaaaaaaaaaaaag.

Listen to the first few minutes of that song.

I mentioned my perspective on the new album in previous discussions, but here it is again: the first two tracks, Dimensional Bleedthrough and Autochton, as well as the last track, Monolith of Possession, are outstanding. The four tracks in the middle drag on and are boring.
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I was thinking about Lifelover today and how they ruined so much DSBM for me. For all the hate they get, they're an anti-trend, in my opinion. I'll be listening to Krohm or something and a gay little lick from a Lifelover song will pop into my head. Fucking Lifelover, bringing the gay.

Lifelover does suck.
Anyone else heard De Magia Veterum - Migdal Bavel? Pretty neat stuff. Has a pretty frantic, cluttered sound, but has some very melodic segments amidst lots of dissonance. Odd song structures. Reminds me of Tentacles of Whorror at times, and then some parts come in that sound like music for roaming the overworld during an RPG.
Arckanum will release something this year, doesn't? Shamaatae's comeback has been great so far IMO. Antikosmos and ÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞÞ are nothing but incredible.
Anyone else heard De Magia Veterum - Migdal Bavel? Pretty neat stuff. Has a pretty frantic, cluttered sound, but has some very melodic segments amidst lots of dissonance. Odd song structures. Reminds me of Tentacles of Whorror at times, and then some parts come in that sound like music for roaming the overworld during an RPG.

Sounds great, sort of a frantic craze to the music, similar to S.V.E.S.T. Good find mate. :kickass:
Speaking of the aforementioned bands, i'm making my way through Skagos - Ást cd and it's solid. Unfortunate though, i think they are split-up/on hold.
I do not have to listen too much black metal because live in Lake Placid. I'm more kvlt and metal than any of you pussies will ever be.
Do you know if there are any good Chinese buffet places in Vegas? I have yet to visit one.

Also, what does everyone think of faerical black metal band Nuit Noire?

And here is Tenebras' beatiful creation, a faerical potato:

He sounds like Eric Cartman

edit: and when he doesn't sound like Eric Cartman he sounds like a dying animal and I can't take the music seriously which sucks because if you took out the vocals I think I would really like Silencer