Black Metal.

I have not tried that Archgoat album. I had another one at some point but I hated it.

Grotesque by PN eh? Is it similar to Vacuum? Where the vocals are actually just "WAAAAAHHHHHHHH?" I'm interested to see what Vaerohn is bringing to the table in this one. I enjoyed Vacuum but found it to be incredibly cheesy and campy.
alright all you avant garde black metal fiends (eligos, cook-ta? and maybe einherjar), I have a new one for you: Grotesque by Pensées Nocturnes. Pretty good stuff. Good mixture of black metal brutalness and everything else. There's nothing zany here...perhaps more accessible than A Forest of Stars and other similar acts. There are horns and violins (if I remember correctly). Good stuff. Vocals are incoherent shouts. Go forth

edit: and apparently the guy behind Pensées Nocturnes, Vaerohn, got into it with people on (his user name is Krakenao):ées+Nocturnes/+shoutbox

I've actually never even checked out A Forest of Stars; but on topic, these guys sound interesting.

Has anybody here heard W.A.I.L.'s Wisdom Through Agony into Illumination and Lunacy ? It has a good review on Morbid, but I want to hear others' opinions, if anyone has checked it out.

Also, to add to the discussion: for those who are fond of the whole folk/black thing, Bran Barr's new record is really fucking awesome.
There's a new Twilight album coming out?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Who's in the line-up this time?!
Metal Archives, fool. There's even a team photo, featuring all the recluses in their natural forms.

The significant addition is Aaron Turner of Isis. It could be really interesting. Or not. I have no idea who is really going to be writing the music. Last time Wrest and Judd wrote most of it, excepting the one Xasthur song.
Grotesque by PN eh? Is it similar to Vacuum? Where the vocals are actually just "WAAAAAHHHHHHHH?" I'm interested to see what Vaerohn is bringing to the table in this one. I enjoyed Vacuum but found it to be incredibly cheesy and campy.

Haven't heard Vacuum, but that's a pretty good description of the vocals :lol:
Yeah I think I'm going to go, don't know much BM and this might be a good introduction.

The other bands playing are:

- Eastern Front
- Ethereal
- For Ruin

Any thoughts on these?

I don't know any of these, actually. But I think you'll enjoy the Belphegor show. BTW they brought some really cool beanies and T-shirts to Sao Paulo, check them out.
Speaking of Grotesque, the band Grotesque has been played to death lately in my car. I've been on a metal break for the past weeks, listening only to Jeff Buckley and shit, and then one day I put on Blood Runs From The Altar, and got reminded of what's so great with metal sometimes. It's fascinating really how the step from the punkish Grotesque-demos to Gardens Of Grief is so huge, considering that Alf, the man with the biggest punk-background, probably was the one to initiate the change.
I know. I mean that Grotesque had a punk-influenced sound, and ironically the punk guy was the one who completely discarded that influence when Grotesque turned into At The Gates.
When it comes to black metal, I am usually turning on Darkthrone, Dead Congregation, Immortal, Emperor, Destroyer 666, Burzum, Shining, Vorkreist, Dimmu Birgir, Gorgoroth, Behemoth, Amon Amarth, Mayhem, Amorphis, Kvist, Tulus, Windir, Wintersun, Mactatus, and others. The usual (for me).

But lately, I have not turned to any of them. I been sticking it out with Zyklon B, Troll, and Ragnarok. I really enjoy them. More towards Zyklon B though. Anyone else dig them? Yes, no?
When it comes to black metal, I am usually turning on Darkthrone, Dead Congregation, Immortal, Emperor, Destroyer 666, Burzum, Shining, Vorkreist, Dimmu Birgir, Gorgoroth, Behemoth, Amon Amarth, Mayhem, Amorphis, Kvist, Tulus, Windir, Wintersun, Mactatus, and others. The usual (for me).

But lately, I have not turned to any of them. I been sticking it out with Zyklon B, Troll, and Ragnarok. I really enjoy them. More towards Zyklon B though. Anyone else dig them? Yes, no?

I gave them a listen quite a long while ago. I'll have to check them out again. Vorkreist = :headbang: I love Sabbathical Flesh Possession.
I gave them a listen quite a long while ago. I'll have to check them out again. Vorkreist = :headbang: I love Sabbathical Flesh Possession.

I seen their name quite a few times, but never listened to them until about a month ago and until now. I just beem blown away by then. I truly enjoy them.

Oh, yes, Sabbathical Flesh Possession. Very, very impressive. For some reason though, I enjoyed Sublimation XXIXA a little bit more.
When it comes to black metal, I am usually turning on Darkthrone, Dead Congregation, Immortal, Emperor, Destroyer 666, Burzum, Shining, Vorkreist, Dimmu Birgir, Gorgoroth, Behemoth, Amon Amarth, Mayhem, Amorphis, Kvist, Tulus, Windir, Wintersun, Mactatus, and others. The usual (for me).

But lately, I have not turned to any of them. I been sticking it out with Zyklon B, Troll, and Ragnarok. I really enjoy them. More towards Zyklon B though. Anyone else dig them? Yes, no?

You lack French bm :( Go listen to some Blut Aus Nord! I suggest starting with The Work Which Transforms God or their most recent album Memoria Vetusta II.