Black Metal.

Fuck I can't stand most of the reviews on Metal Archives. People just go "IT IS AMAZING HE IS GOD" - that's hardly descriptive is it?
I like all of Arcturus's material up until around their last album. I like the stuff off of their next to last albums, I'll check on that in a little bit.
I'm a big fan of Emperor's first album. I also really like the one that came before their second albums.
Listening to Gehenna's Admiron Black and really enjoying it. What would you guys say is thier best?
Just received Beherit's Drawing Down the Moon cd that Darkbliss sent me. Finally. It's always been one of my favorite bm albums and now I own a physical copy of it. :)

I can't do Beherit or Archgoat or anyone who sounds like that, the appeal is COMPLETELY lost on me. What is it about that sort of thing that you like? Just curious
You're very classy and educated for putting the "u" in "poser/poseur."

How am I a poseur? I've never once gone on here and said "I AM TEH ULTIMATE METALHEAD UNFFFF" and I know I am less knowledgeable about metal than most posters here.
No, actually I think it's better to try out some similar sounding bands rather than keep trying to listen to something in particular that's frustrating. I never thought that "Listen to Darkspace 800 times until you realize how brilliant it is" was a good discussion point on this forum.

So I'm probably the only one interested in the new upcoming Twilight album. I can't imagine it will be anything like the last one, and it'll be interesting to see what kind of ideas Wrest has been sitting on for the last three or four years.
Yeah I was just joking, but MOL is pretty much right about listening to similar sounding bands, thats how I got deeper into metal.

Though, some albums do take a few listens to fully click with me (most recently Martriden and Novembers Doom, though they're not bm).
I can't do Beherit or Archgoat or anyone who sounds like that, the appeal is COMPLETELY lost on me. What is it about that sort of thing that you like? Just curious

Well, I agree with V5 when he says that Drawing Down the Moon is the ritualistic bm album. You might like it more if that's a quality you appreciate. I like it for other reasons too, but they're a little bit hard for me to articulate. It's one of the most alienated and alienating albums I've ever heard. It sounds like it's completely in its own world, and it's the sort of thing that doesn't really give a crap about pleasing anybody. It has this weird atmosphere that's totally unique. But it's not really one of those albums where you can point to it and say 'listen to how cool that riff sounds' or 'this part right here is awesome.' It's way more than the sum of its parts.
However, there are highlights...Cyth, you're staying with us this year at MDF so prepare for Guy and I reciting the Gate of Nanna chant, etc.!