Black Metal.

Yes. They are hard to listen though, I like the Virus S.T.N. album more than Lubie Satanique Dépravée.

It's probably not the genre everyone would like. The problem is that Diapsiquirs songs are too long and too fucked up. Halfway through certain songs I simply lost interest in them and as a result, I remember like 3 out of 15 or 10 min from each track. I'm refering to LSD album.

At first listen I completely dropped the band, but for some reason came back and it gets better with each listen.

I also like Virus STN more than L.S.D.
Thier songs are extremely long :lol: I've found myself thinking that the track is going to end soon and finding that it is just halfway through. Though IMO it's chaotic enough to keep my interest throughout the entire song.
I think the vocals do it for most people, at first I couldn't stand them, but I've begun to actually really enjoy them.
Definently my go-to band if I'm in the mood for something fucked up, definently a very unique band.
I'm really excited about the new album, A.N.T.I. I think it's called?
I would hit.
Lately, I've been absorbing Azaghal, Weakling, Klabautamann, Watain, and Tangorodrim. Haven't decided what tracks I really like by these bands yet, though they all sound pretty good overall.

Weakling and Klabautamann are great choices. I used to listen to Tangorodrim, but they got old to me rather quickly

Xasthur call it quits for those who did not know:

Anyone heard something off this last album?

eh...could care less
Hearing good things here and there about Arcturus. What's a good starter album? I have a high tolerance for cheese.

Aspera Hiems Symfonia is the only one I can tolerate. It's atmospheric and has some black metal elements (at least more than on their other albums) and it's kind of goofy in a lot of places, but it has some cool vocals I guess. The Sham Mirrors is like some proggy, spacey crap that I don't get into. La Masquerade Infernale is flat out gay imo. Go with the first album I mentioned.
Flat out gay, elaborate?

Edit: I just found this picture on Metal Archives. LOL

I haven't heard it in years. I don't even know what the heck people consider it. I don't remember it being very black metal. All I remember is thinking it was full of AIDS.

edit: just listened to some songs on youtube. Yeah, I still hate it.
Fuck I can't stand most of the reviews on Metal Archives. People just go "IT IS AMAZING HE IS GOD" - that's hardly descriptive is it?
it was a project consisting of Garm (from Ulver and Borknagar), Hellhammer and a few other guys playing proggy spacey black metal ish stuff. Aspera Heim Symfonia, as Cythraul noted, is the more black metally. La Masquerade Infernale is kind of like circus prog metal. The Sham Mirrors is more spacey and the last album, Sideshow Symphonies is when Simen Hestnaes took over on vocals, and it's a largely forgettable album
Sapuraramulahadaguhajadat, if you like Klabautamann, check out other German greats like Nagelfar, Nocte Obducta, and Farsot.

Speaking of Nagelfar, Srontgorrth has been kicking my ass for like two days now.

Nagelfar is excellent, I think Virus West is my favourite. Let's not forget Helrunar, Drautran and perhaps Finsterforst as far as awesome German bands :kickass: