Black Metal.

This probably belongs in the controversial opinions thread, but Melechesh > Absu.

O man, that's a pretty tough question to be honest. But I'm gonna have to agree with everyone else and say Absu. While Melechesh has two amazing albums in Sphynx and Emissaries, their first two aren't particularly strong (though still enjoyable). Meanwhile pretty much all of Absu's albums are on par or better than Melechesh's stuff. I think one of the problems Melechesh runs into is that their albums are a bit long. Most of their albums are about 60 min long, just 15-20 min off of that would make them a whole lot easier to listen to. They just have such a thick and fast paced sound that I can't really listen to an hour of it. But away from that, I think that while on the surface they seem like similar bands, we all know that Melechesh is much more Eastern sounding, something that most of Absu's stuff isn't. So when I'm in an Eastern mood, I'll obviously listen to some Melechesh

wow, i analyzed that way too much...
Just ordered both of the Negură Bunget new releases, Vîrstele Pămîntului sounds good from what i've heard so far but you can hear the change without Hupogrammos Disciple's in the band. I hope the whole album is as good as what i'm hearing nonetheless.

You won't be disappointed. They're both fantastic.
Aeternus is my latest black metal discovery. I always skipped over them for some reason, but I finally checked out ...and So the Night Became & Beyond the Wandering Moon and both blew me away. I like their later death metal stuff too. Anyone else like Aeternus?
I saw somebody in the band Afterlight posted in the musicians forum, and I checked out their music they sound pretty damn cool. Anyone else heard of them?