Black Metal.

Yeah, neither World Without End nor Advent Parallax get old, Fourth Reich does somewhat (except for "Eucharistick Funereal", I could listen to that till the cows come home).
So I gave a few listens to the new Rotting Christ (Aealo) and thought that it was absolutely umm.... idiotic. Any other opinions?
I'm actually listening to it now, for the second time. It's very melodic, songs are quite different, some sound very long. I don't really know, but I guess it will grow.

So far I like it, not sure about the "exotic" parts with choirs and different instruments, though.
Yeah, maybe I should give it another try too.
And these 'exotic' parts with choirs probably made 70% of why I hated the release. This stuff might be pretty neat sometimes, but definitely not in this case.
I do like them. Own their last three albums, Sphynx is my favourite. Their music has interesting elements, great drums and guitar work.

You're right, people in here don't mention them very often.
friend of mine told me the new negura bunget album sounds like dark space with negura bunget drumming. not sure how accurate that is, but doesn't make me want to listen.