Black Metal.

:lol:And you think I'm not having fun with these sorts of descriptions?

But I do understand the symmetry in music that I find worthy of praise.Or at least I think I do.
You're not the only one, apparently. A few RYMers also politely asked me to go the fuck away.
But difference in taste should not be grounds for such irrational and strong feelings,especially since they're virtual and are hence fake unless proven otherwise.
I actually jest, bud, haha...

But still. :erk:

Edit: Cursed, Scarred, and Forever Possessed by Celestial Bloodshed... I fucking love this album thus far. Anybody heard it? It may not be that original, but it's pretty hateful as hell. So far it's fantastic IMO.
I knew that. That's why I said "fake". Ultimately, we're all just pretending.:) I just don't like long overly drawn out albums with medium to slow pacing.Especially not in BM.

Now, were you to step into my house with an armed shotgun and say: "this is for hating SMRC and for all that asinine bullshit you've been spewing forth on UM", then I may take offense.
*puts away shotgun and map to Ashdod*

Well fuck... just kidding man. :lol: We may disagree sometimes but you're always cool and respectful dude. :kickass:
I actually jest, bud, haha...

But still. :erk:

Edit: Cursed, Scarred, and Forever Possessed by Celestial Bloodshed... I fucking love this album thus far. Anybody heard it? It may not be that original, but it's pretty hateful as hell. So far it's fantastic IMO.

Yes, i've heard it. RIP Steingrim Torson, their vocalist.
Just for the song "Eternity" alone that honor goes to Blood in our Wells. Fuck anybody who disagrees that it's their best song.
I love Eternity. the tempo and just works for me. Blood in Our Wells was the last Drudkh album I really enjoyed with Forgotten Legends being my favorite...what an amazing album