Black Metal.

Anyone like the anarchist, one-man black metal band Panopticon?

I am listening to samples from his yet-to-be released album "on the subject of mortality" and it is some great stuff. His previous work, a self-titled cd, and the follow-up 'Collapse' are great as well. I would recommend his stuff to any who likes raw, drawn-out atmospheric black metal with some unexpected influences (bluegrass being the most unique and prominent of these).
Yeah, I like his debut a good bit actually. I've not listened to Collapse yet though.

Nice to see you back around here.
So I am currently revisiting Hail's Inheritance of Evilness and am pleasantly reminded of how utterly brilliant it is.

I can safely say that it is one of the few albums that puts you in the context of the atmosphere it is trying to convey. 'War Must Go On', in particular, gives me the vibe of going off into a great battle. I love how the riff in the middle of the song slowly builds until it finally explodes and you can just feel the vibe of charging into battle. Then you have the epic riff that follows that gives you a sense of a victorious end to the fight.

Easily the best post-2000 black metal album. Hands fucking down.
"We were brutalous men, and we were sent to war
We might have been hopeless, yet hope we didn't seek
War was the chosen path, the (only) way for man to reach his peak
And for all the loving of the jewish gOD, we will take a leak"

While I love the whole power worship that goes on throughout the album, it's songs like "Let the Wolves Lead You to Satan's Glory" with the cult initiation feeling that really wins me over.
Just revisited Carpathian Forest's Black Shining Leather. I have a hard time taking most of this band's material seriously but this is pretty decent stuff. Is Strange Old Brew worth looking into?
Might be a little late, but what do people think of Profanatica's Profanatitas De Domonatia? On my first listen, the slow parts and the production reminds me a little of old Incantation (not black metal I know).

I think it's excellent. Very occult sounding.
Personally i love everything Profanatica has put out, but the drum sound on Profanatitas De Domonatia really brings down the album. It is still one of my favorite albums, and i'm looking forward to the next one.
I know this is a much talked about release, and this album is nothing new to me, I've always liked it, but the production has finally sorta struck a chord with me.

Deathspell Omega - Si Monumentum Requires, Circumspice.

I always liked the album despite the production... now I just fucking get it.

What I mean is that normally black metal sounds cold and icy as fuck... but this, this just sounds fucking fiery and hateful. Sounds like the soundtrack to hell itself. If there was ever one BM album that sounded hot and fiery, that one is it. It just fills me with intense anger now when I listen to it, cause of the production... it just evokes this strange angry feeling.

I feel like I've never really gotten the full picture with this album till recently. Anybody else agree with me?