Black Metal.

Well the one with the new lineup just leaked; I've heard mixed reactions on that one. Haven't been in the mood to do either yet but with all the reactions to Maiestrit being good, I'm more curious about the new lineup one.
Giving my first listen to Katharsis' VVorld VVithout End.

It's really chaotic and... primal, which I like. But I honestly don't know what to think of it at this point. I know I will really like it at some point, and I want to, I just need time.

Right now it just sorta meanders on and I go "this is good". But nothing more... there's been a few points where I've just sat wondering what the next song's gonna be like. I know this release is highly praised so I want this to click.

As I said, I really want this to click, and I know it will in time, but right now is not that time. It's really good, but it just doesn't connect on that deeper level yet.
that negura bunget wood box thing looks pretty cool, but I'm rather ambivalent about a new record with the new lineup (unless if it's totally freaking awesome). I'm also not interested in a negura bunget shirt with the new linneup
Giving my first listen to Katharsis' VVorld VVithout End.

It's really chaotic and... primal, which I like. But I honestly don't know what to think of it at this point. I know I will really like it at some point, and I want to, I just need time.

Right now it just sorta meanders on and I go "this is good". But nothing more... there's been a few points where I've just sat wondering what the next song's gonna be like. I know this release is highly praised so I want this to click.

As I said, I really want this to click, and I know it will in time, but right now is not that time. It's really good, but it just doesn't connect on that deeper level yet.

For me that one always stayed at the just "this is good" level. Didn't really grow on me. Solid, but not really anything too memorable.
It's harder to get into than the more melodic Fourth Reich, but I really like it.

It's not an issue of melody (or rather lack thereof)... I like Von and Black Witchery here. But I dunno... the songs just seem a bit long. I've gotten used to minimalism but nowhere near like this. This just seems to stretch on longer than HLTO does (I actually love HLTO).

As I said, I can sit there and realize it's good, and it gets a thumbs-up from me, but it just hasn't fully connected. I hope (and sorta know) it will... just need time and multiple listens.
I still can't really get into Fourth Reich. It's not bad but it has yet to hook me yet. I fealt this way about Averse Sefira for quite a while and have only recently begun to really enjoy them so who knows, it may just take time.