Black Metal.

Misery's Omen is the best Black Metal i've heard probably since Conqueror,completely different of course,Misery's Omen owe more to early Bethlehem.I've never heard anything so emotive in all of metal and that's a huge compliment for a band who plays bm that still has balls.This band might be the one to push me over the edge.

Impeccable, listened to these guys before but didn't really give them a chance. Thoroughly enjoying the material on their myspace. :kickass:
Just stay away from the post-black metal and shoegaze stuff.

I wouldn't.

Here's some stuff to look into for newer black metal.

The French Scene, noted for its experimentation and dissonance:

Deathspell Omega
Blut Aus Nord

The German Scene, known for both its progressive, folky bands and its doomy, heavy bands (also my favorite scene):

Nagelfar (the e is important)
Nocte Obducta
Lunar Aurora
Imperium Dekadenz

The US Scene, known for depressive minimalist bands and experimental post-black metal bands (grouped respectively):


... fuck this post
I concur to the above post (except for Dornenreich being German, hehe).

Other German bands worth paying attention too:

Heimdalls Wacht
The Ruins of Beverast

Some Eastern European metal is pretty essential as well like:

Nokturnal Mortum
Negura Bunget

There are also some quality stuff coming from Scandinavia from time to time:

Shining's latest efforts are definitely worthwhile!
Ondskapt's Dödens Evangelium
I wouldn't.

Here's some stuff to look into for newer black metal.

The French Scene, noted for its experimentation and dissonance:

Deathspell Omega
Blut Aus Nord

The German Scene, known for both its progressive, folky bands and its doomy, heavy bands (also my favorite scene):

Nagelfar (the e is important)
Nocte Obducta
Lunar Aurora
Imperium Dekadenz

The US Scene, known for depressive minimalist bands and experimental post-black metal bands (grouped respectively):


... fuck this post

As usual, I agree (with Goffdalh as well, especially on the eastern European bands).

UK/Canada scene (I lump them together b/c of aesthetic/thematic similarities), mostly black/folk and "post-black" acts:

Altar of Plagues
Black Lotus
Woods of Ypres
Dark Forest
Just watched Until The Light Takes Us and to be honest I was pretty disappointed. In the hour and a half of that movie there was probably a grand total of 5 minutes that were at all interesting- pretty much the parts where Varg outlines his dislike of the pervasive American & Christian culture and how it just isn't Norwegian. The rest of the movie seemed to be Fenriz aimlessly wandering around looking rather bored and little quote snippets from other random people.

Would not recommend. I you want to watch something on Black Metal just fire up "True Norwegian Black Metal" on youtube, it's actually pretty decent.
Impeccable, listened to these guys before but didn't really give them a chance. Thoroughly enjoying the material on their myspace. :kickass:

I now consider both Misery's Omen's album to be the best albums in my collection,terribly underrated and near impossible for me to put their greatness into words.Definately the most beautiful,fucked up,affecting and unique stuff i've heard and that's without even mentioning that their actual level of songwriting abilities is far above pretty much any BM band I can think of.Highest possible recommendations.:kickass:
What does everyone think of Krieg's Blue Miasma? Its my favorite of theres and a great USBM album overall as well. Sadly they only played one (or two?) songs off of it live :erk:
Was just reminded from the 'Albums currently kicking your ass' thread of Blood Of Kingu's latest effort, 'Sun in the House of the Scorpion.' Listening to the tracks on youtube, solid album. In my eyes, Roman Saenko can create nothing but quality music.
I pre ordered the album off of amazon and it was totally worth it. Even better than their first album. I uploaded all the songs apart from 1 but someone went and uploaded all the songs again without searching for them. The two that arent on youtube are instrumentals.