Black Metal.

I finally listened to Fas last night for the first time, all the way through. I was completely unprepared for that, I didn't know what the fuck hit me. It was totally mindblowing.
There's no such thing as being late to the game when it comes to listening to music.

Of course there is. Most of the forum members have praised that album like million times, so what i meant was, that album was a high priority to check out. If you didn't listen to it 2 years ago then you're late.
Late, but not too late. It's never too late to discover a band. Everyone talks about Diocletian a lot and I still haven't checked them out so I'll probably be late to that game, but that won't make it any less exciting to me, and if it re-stimulates conversation about them, then so be it.
Well I guess I haven't heard their new (which from the song on Invictus's myspace, is pretty far away from their old stuff), but they are pretty fast and crushing. I see Beherit - "Grave Desecration" in your charts so maybe you will.
Late, but not too late. It's never too late to discover a band. Everyone talks about Diocletian a lot and I still haven't checked them out so I'll probably be late to that game, but that won't make it any less exciting to me, and if it re-stimulates conversation about them, then so be it.

Wow, now you're arguing about the word "too". Previously, you were arguing being generally late to music is not a problem. What else, now you're comparing the popularity of DsO to that of Diocletian?
You were the one who first said "too late to the game", as if Fas is an album no longer discussable within this forum, as if its time has passed, when in reality, it is still just as popular and still a quality album.

In essence, yes, I am comparing the two bands' popularities, but only for the sake of allegory.
You were the one who first said "too late to the game", as if Fas is an album no longer discussable within this forum, as if its time has passed, when in reality, it is still just as popular and still a quality album.

In essence, yes, I am comparing the two bands' popularities, but only for the sake of allegory.

What has "too late to the game" have anything to do with not being discussed on these forums?

Punch yourself in the fucking face.
