Black Metal.

I agree with you. Except, deathrock (aka death rock) is an actual style of music closely associated with goth rock. ;)

Deathrock is a good goddamn genre.

Funny you should all be squawking about post black metal. I've been listening to Lantlos, Magenta Skycode (ok that's probably just straight shoegaze) and Alcest lately. Not in the mood for aggression or evil I guess.

I also noticed that this Tiamat song sounds exactly like this Agalloch song.

Tiamat "Best Friend Money Can Buy"

Agalloch "And The Great Cold Death of the Earth"
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I just ordered from them, so I certainly hope so. Agalloch hasn't said otherwise.

Although Agalloch did say the following:
We've gotten reports that say if you come across a download link for the new album you either end up with the a virus or the new Dream Theater. We're not sure which is worse.

I FUCKING LOVE BLACK METAL! I could never stress that enough, I fucking love it. From the vibrating, coarse vocals to the hammering zombie like bass all the way to the polka blast beats; I FUCKING LOVE IT!!!

I'm a DM and BM vocalist, and drummer. (I'm WAY better @ vocals though, but people say I'm an amazing drummer too)

I listen to the popular well known shit (Gorgoroth, Burzum, Mayhem) all the way to the LLN (Belketre, Chapel of Ghouls, Vlad Tepes, Brenoritvrezorkre, Trorkrvisatansrokreh, Etc) and the local bands that no one else except 50 people know about ("Malicious Malignant Misanthropy").