Black Metal.

People should really check out the extra material from Until the Light Takes Us, it's really good. It's around two hours of only interviews with Fenriz, Varg, some of the Enslaved guys, some of the Mayhem guys, Frost :)erk:), Abbath & Demonaz etc.
I like the part where Varg talks about how he likes his cornflakes.

On a different note, I've been on an Inquisition kick, can't fucking wait for MDF to see them.
ENDLESS DISMALL MODE - Scariet black metal I've heard in awhile. This statement from his family just adds to the horror of his art;

"On the 25 June 2008, CHAOS9 of ENDLESS DISMAL MOAN killed himself.
Under the concept of "ENDLESS DISMAL MOAN" he kept pursuing his
darkest world completely to embody his spirituality. He always
reflected his soul to all his songs without any compromise and
fulfilled his life as an artist very successfully.
We consider that his death means the accomplishment of his art and
the freedom of his soul.
We are very grateful to everyone who ever supported ENDLESS DISMAL MOAN.
the bereaved family of CHAOS9 / ENDLESS DISMAL MOAN"

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Actually I'm with the other guy he was talking about where I like them nice and soft but I was interested in Vargs view on corn flakes.
I have no idea why Nocturno Culto wasn't included in the proper documentary. He's interviewed in the extra material and says some interesting things.

"Fenriz's school of black metal" was pretty fun. I was surprised to see him count Satyricon as progenitors or "essential" on the same level as Darkthrone and Mayhem.
I haven't heard anything new about Wrest. Since it went down locally and I have a lot of friends in the scene I guess I would have heard any news sooner or later. But nothing new to report. It's selfish to say, but I would care a lot more if he was currently recording new music. Even the last of the Leviathan recordings had a lot going for them.
Me too...although a person never wants to say that 'the bitch derserved it' i'd much rather see his name in conjuncture with new material...fucking sick of blown up media events overiding artistic merit.
I remember someone pointing out that a lot of times, women bring out rape charges from embarrassment, maybe this was the case and the charges were dropped.
I just gave the Inquisition album a listen since you guys seem to like it and I'm pleasantly surprised. On first listen it's fucking excellent!
That could be a bad sign admittedly, hinting at a lack of depth - or it could just be a sign that it's a great album.
Maybe I should listen to you elitist bums more often! :kickass: