Black Metal.

Woofs in the throw rug were good for their time, and a decent placeholder for post black metal. However, the bands that followed and preceeded them are far superior. Ved Buens Ende and Krallice, for example.

Same goes for Nachtmystium.
Yeah. Krallice is boring as hell.

Aside from their vocals, I don't mind them. I could see why they would be unappealing to most though. They do kinda stray from the norm. Awkard vocals and extremely long songs ect. I'd give them credit for trying something different though instead of worshipping the 2nd wave.
Are there any War/Bestial bands out there that aren't complete utter shit? Beherit are decent and Archgoat are listenable but shit like Revenge, Black Witchery, Morbosidad, Proclemation etc... just sound a mess, like some terrible deathgrind act with satanic lyrics. I'm sure this means I'm a massive pussy etc but come on...