Black Metal.

I haven't heard much good BM from Canada, except Blasphemy.

They've produced some great DSBM, like Gris and Sombres Forets.

What's the critique of Negative Plane on this board? A band from New York, who have 2 albums out. From 2006 "Et In Saecula Saeculorum" and from 2011 "Stained Glass Revelations." I favor the debut, but SGR is fuckin' excellent. Probably, the most unique BM band I've heard in a long while. Has a thrash/death style composition. You can sense the decrepit, dank and dark place of Castles or Cathedrals. Tremendous atmosphere. Curious as to what others think about this band.

I think they're great, I prefer Et In Saecula... to Stained Glass Revelations, but both display great musicianship and a fantastic dark atmosphere. Really looking forward to seeing them in London in August.
Really liking this right now


What's the critique of Negative Plane on this board? A band from New York, who have 2 albums out. From 2006 "Et In Saecula Saeculorum" and from 2011 "Stained Glass Revelations." I favor the debut, but SGR is fuckin' excellent. Probably, the most unique BM band I've heard in a long while. Has a thrash/death style composition. You can sense the decrepit, dank and dark place of Castles or Cathedrals. Tremendous atmosphere. Curious as to what others think about this band.

Boring/nothing special/overhyped.
What's the critique of Negative Plane on this board? A band from New York, who have 2 albums out. From 2006 "Et In Saecula Saeculorum" and from 2011 "Stained Glass Revelations." I favor the debut, but SGR is fuckin' excellent. Probably, the most unique BM band I've heard in a long while. Has a thrash/death style composition. You can sense the decrepit, dank and dark place of Castles or Cathedrals. Tremendous atmosphere. Curious as to what others think about this band.

haven't gotten the new one yet (samples sounded sweet), but i have EISS and it kicks ass.
Can anyone recommend me any black metal albums that have excellent bass lines with a very organic production that emphasizes the bass instrument. I've always loved this aspect in Old Man's Child's debut album Born of the Flickering.
Can anyone recommend me any black metal albums that have excellent bass lines with a very organic production that emphasizes the bass instrument. I've always loved this aspect in Old Man's Child's debut album Born of the Flickering.

Misery's Omen-Hope Dies,it has the same crazy fretless bass player from Stargazer,very awesome.
Fallen seems like a more thought-out and cohesive album and it sounds very 'Burzum' to me. I'm not surprised by the softer approach at all, I'm not sure why some people are. Anyways, great album.

Yes. This is exactly how I feel about it also. And also as Dodens pointed out, there are some fantastic basslines on the record.

I know I'm a bit late but my copy arrived just a few days ago and I wanted to listen to it at least a couple times before comparing it to Belus. It's quite a great album, I agree with those how prefer it to Belus.

Misery's Omen-Hope Dies,it has the same crazy fretless bass player from Stargazer,very awesome.

I second this, Hope Dies has an awesome bass work/sound. :kickass:
Can anyone recommend me any black metal albums that have excellent bass lines with a very organic production that emphasizes the bass instrument. I've always loved this aspect in Old Man's Child's debut album Born of the Flickering.

This is instrumental, but it's a great example IMO. There is excellent bass work in most Taake songs.

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Any thoughts about the new Blut Aus Nord album "777 - Sect(s)"?

Been listening to it a bit today, it's quite good.

I think it sounds pretty good so far, better than Odinist or MoRT, though doesn't rank up with The Work Which Transforms God. Have to listen to it more though, before I can say something more specific.
I think I remember reading about them having a project called 777. I guess they decided to just have it as an album.
Misery's Omen-Hope Dies,it has the same crazy fretless bass player from Stargazer,very awesome.

One of my favorite bass lines @ 1:34

Vossyrus, try Gjenferdsel.

This is instrumental, but it's a great example IMO. There is excellent bass work in most Taake songs.

Thanks, I shall check these out. Taake was a band that, years ago, I remember liking what I had heard but for some reason I never really checked out that much of their material. And I actually own that Marduk album, the first three actually.