Black Metal.

I heard liturgy's new single "high gold". It is exceptional. And I think the singer is making a valid attempt at describing the band's creative process and the vibe they're putting out with the music. I was reminded of interviews with other post metal bands (a particular neurosis interview on musicianship vs. performance comes to mind). and yeah he dresses like a hipster and portal wears cloaks and hoods, who gives a shit.

I have to get to work, i'll come back to this later.
I could do without Liturgy's rhetoric and their music. It sounds like what you'd expect from looking at the band: black metal filtered through the tastes of a hipster alt-rocker. What's the point? There's enough of that kind of garbage around already.
There is no valid attempt at anything. He discards black metal while simultaneously stating he uses black metal as a platform for his music.

If you like the music, fine. Enjoy. Don't try and justify his bullshit rhetoric too.

That contradiction is his point though (just look at the tile of the debut album, "Renihilation"). Anyways, I find his rhetoric more interesting than worn-out trve satanist diatribes or NS horseshit.
Has anyone here listened to Dråpsnatt? Pretty solid black metal from Sweden, with a number of good ideas. Nice interludes and stuff.
I feel that black metal is overburdened by the post/black metal aesthetic and the genre needs to fly the coup with its own title.

But back to the discussion of his rhetoric, the idea is that he favors the actual musicality of black metal (that is to say its minimalism, openness, and natural sense of projection) and discards the traditional black metal image, which is clear, as he dresses like a hipster.

Kinda forgot how xenophobic everyone can get around here.

And Sweden's scene with all its long-winded tremolo melodies will never compare to the compositional prowess of Vicotnik, Garm and the guys in Enslaved.
I'm pretty sure it's a good deal more than something as superficial as 'the image' of black metal that he's discarding.
I feel that black metal is overburdened by the post/black metal aesthetic and the genre needs to fly the coup with its own title.

Agreed, even if some of it is enjoyable (Amesoeurs, Alcest)

I'm pretty sure it's a good deal more than something as superficial as 'the image' of black metal that he's discarding.

I honestly wouldnt know, but it seems that way. His manifesto is a bunch of nonsense with a deluded and outdated view of the world of black metal. Basically he thinks that the form of black metal they play is an evolution of the 2nd wave of black metal because their blast beats have variation and their music supposedly rejects the nihilistic negativity in black metal for a more transcendental understanding.
I basically don't know anything about Liturgy beyond their music, but I liked what I heard from Renihilation. If it ends up being good I don't care what the guys in the band have to say.

Musically, it was probably closest to Krallice. From when I talked to some of those guys last time they came into town, they could not have been more down-to-earth and enthusiastic about black metal, and open about what they liked, and what their influences were. I just think they mixed those things with stuff outside of black metal in a really interesting way, and did something pretty original. Unfotunately, I don't think this new Krallice album is as good as the previous two, although the high points are still pretty great. I'll give it more time. Even judging from the limited things you can gather from Krallice's lyrics, artwork, and interviews, it seems unlikely they are trying to grab as much attention as Liturgy is. Nor should they. Bands on Profound Lore are going to get heard.