Black Metal.

I remember when I watched that infamous Liturgy interview for the first time, I cringed and expected their music to nothing short of terrible. However, I found that I actually didn't mind it.

The vocalist's manifesto/perspective on things seemed rather naive to me but I guess if he's that passionate about the music he makes to come up with something like that, I can't really hold it against him. They sort of struck me as being Christians or something though, I'm not sure if anyone else picked up that vibe.
The vocalist's manifesto/perspective on things seemed rather naive to me but I guess if he's that passionate about the music he makes to come up with something like that, I can't really hold it against him. They sort of struck me as being Christians or something though, I'm not sure if anyone else picked up that vibe.

The manifesto is naive in its totalizing characterization of the second wave, it is also short-sighted by not taking into account how black metal has changed since then. That said, it is a good point of reference for understanding how Liturgy relates to the second wave.

I doubt they are Christian, but their music is distinctly positive sounding; it's life affirming as opposed to negative and misanthropic.
I actually think the latest Krallice represents some sort of middle ground between the first two. The songs don't feel nearly as long as those on Dimensional Bleedthrough. A bit more focused and tight, perhaps.

I've found this as well. I still wish they would go back to the style of the debut, by making their sound more straightforward and immediate. Diotima is sometimes needlessly complex structurally.

I do like the death metal vibe that is creeping into their music.

So who's heard it? Pretty awesome imo.
Apparently Scion is a record label now. Kinda looks gay if you ask me.

I did not expect them to release anything so soon. It's probably a few leftovers from the production of the last album, which I still wouldn't mind hearing.