Black Metal.

Heh, my main incentive is still beer, so we'll have to wait and see how much I will be able to remember :kickass:

Well, I bought Nifelheim's Devil's Force some 14 years ago. Back then I wasn't really ready for this kind of music. But I'll give it a shot again tonight to prepare for what's in store :)
One of the best and often overlooked black metal albums is bestial warlust's "vengeance war til death" fucking beeyooitiful. Aggressive raw black metal at its finest.
I'm listening to the new altar of plagues, and I can honestly say this is new territory for black metal. They accomplish a liquid sound and pay close attention to dynamics, moving from giant walls of sonic tumult to vespertine, ephemeral whispers so fluidly it seems familiar, but the memory leads to very few bands, perhaps neurosis, leviathan, possibly deathspell omega.
I'm listening to the new altar of plagues, and I can honestly say this is new territory for black metal. They accomplish a liquid sound and pay close attention to dynamics, moving from giant walls of sonic tumult to vespertine, ephemeral whispers so fluidly it seems familiar, but the memory leads to very few bands, perhaps neurosis, leviathan, possibly deathspell omega.

So excited to get this, I've been listening to White Tomb in preparation.
I may get shit for this, but I'm gonna go ahead and say it anyway. I'm not impressed with Primordial's Redemption at the Puritan's Hand. I've listened to it a few times though, and I initially put it in my list of favorite albums so far for the year, but I'm going to have to rescind that vote. It might be my least favorite Primordial album

it just seems...distracted. Like they wanted to do a number of things with this album (getting away from anthemic or melancholy songs) and go a different route. And on some songs it works. "God's Old Snake" I think is absolutely fantastic, as well as some other songs from the second half of the record. But the first few songs just seem muddled to me, and whereas on previous records the layering of Alan's vocals worked, here it's almost a distraction (except for tracks where he is "Ooohhh"ing).

thoughts? flames?
I'm listening to the new altar of plagues, and I can honestly say this is new territory for black metal. They accomplish a liquid sound and pay close attention to dynamics, moving from giant walls of sonic tumult to vespertine, ephemeral whispers so fluidly it seems familiar, but the memory leads to very few bands, perhaps neurosis, leviathan, possibly deathspell omega.

Excellent will definitely check this out. White Tomb had some amazing dense wall of sound passages but too much aimless DSO worship and hopefully they can master their style on this one.
I may get shit for this, but I'm gonna go ahead and say it anyway. I'm not impressed with Primordial's Redemption at the Puritan's Hand. I've listened to it a few times though, and I initially put it in my list of favorite albums so far for the year, but I'm going to have to rescind that vote. It might be my least favorite Primordial album

it just seems...distracted. Like they wanted to do a number of things with this album (getting away from anthemic or melancholy songs) and go a different route. And on some songs it works. "God's Old Snake" I think is absolutely fantastic, as well as some other songs from the second half of the record. But the first few songs just seem muddled to me, and whereas on previous records the layering of Alan's vocals worked, here it's almost a distraction (except for tracks where he is "Ooohhh"ing).

thoughts? flames?

I agree and disagree. I think No Grave Deep Enough is clearly the best on the album (and it is obviously the most anthemic on the album) because it combines both a killer riff, impassioned vocals and a catchy chorus. Most of the rest of the album feels to me to be aimless, and although consistency throughout albums has never been their strong point, this one is more uneven than most.
I may get shit for this, but I'm gonna go ahead and say it anyway. I'm not impressed with Primordial's Redemption at the Puritan's Hand. I've listened to it a few times though, and I initially put it in my list of favorite albums so far for the year, but I'm going to have to rescind that vote. It might be my least favorite Primordial album

it just seems...distracted. Like they wanted to do a number of things with this album (getting away from anthemic or melancholy songs) and go a different route. And on some songs it works. "God's Old Snake" I think is absolutely fantastic, as well as some other songs from the second half of the record. But the first few songs just seem muddled to me, and whereas on previous records the layering of Alan's vocals worked, here it's almost a distraction (except for tracks where he is "Ooohhh"ing).

thoughts? flames?

I wasn't impressed with it either, totally overhyped album. I barely listened it from start to finish.
Just been listening to Sigh's Scenes from Hell and I maintain that this is top 10 material from last year. This is coming from someone who really thought Sigh had lost the plot. Not really much black metal about it really (other than raspy vocals, there hasn't been much black about them for years) but the riffs are surprisingly brutal yet catchy, and I wonder if they had been listening to countrymen Intestine Baalism before writing this. The album is far more coherent than previous efforts and the trademark sound is created by a brass section that revels in an almost decadent pomp. It sounds hideous I know, and obviously it's not for all tastes, but more people need to give this a chance. Capped off with dual vocalists trading growls and screams, it's got this manic energy to it and bottom line, it's just a fun album.
I may get shit for this, but I'm gonna go ahead and say it anyway. I'm not impressed with Primordial's Redemption at the Puritan's Hand. I've listened to it a few times though, and I initially put it in my list of favorite albums so far for the year, but I'm going to have to rescind that vote. It might be my least favorite Primordial album

it just seems...distracted. Like they wanted to do a number of things with this album (getting away from anthemic or melancholy songs) and go a different route. And on some songs it works. "God's Old Snake" I think is absolutely fantastic, as well as some other songs from the second half of the record. But the first few songs just seem muddled to me, and whereas on previous records the layering of Alan's vocals worked, here it's almost a distraction (except for tracks where he is "Ooohhh"ing).

thoughts? flames?

I disagree, but this seems to be a widely-held opinion. It's definitely not my least favorite, although as a whole I think it pales against some of their earlier work. However...

I agree and disagree. I think No Grave Deep Enough is clearly the best on the album (and it is obviously the most anthemic on the album) because it combines both a killer riff, impassioned vocals and a catchy chorus. Most of the rest of the album feels to me to be aimless, and although consistency throughout albums has never been their strong point, this one is more uneven than most.

..."No Grave Deep Enough" is rapidly becoming one of my favorite Primordial songs, if not my favorite. I think it is the best choice for an opening song, and for some reason the rhythm they rock on it keeps the flow going well into the rest of the record for me, compensating for the slower, meandering pieces. I actually love "The Mouth of Judas" and think it's one of the best slow songs they've ever done. So as a whole, it still stands strong for me; just maybe not as much as The Gathering Wilderness or Spirit the Earth Aflame.

EDIT: Interestingly with Primordial, I find that my favorite songs they've done (such as "No Grave Deep Enough," "Sons of the Morrigan" and "As Rome Burns") are on albums that I find to be lacking as a whole; their albums I find to be especially strong as a whole have songs that, individually, I don't enjoy as much as others. The only exception is "The Coffin Ships." That's a killer song on a pretty solid album.