Black Metal.

That was actually my first listen to Deafhaven that was not at a show! Better than what I remember, but not my sorta thing.

Totally digging the first Adversam video posted, so far. Pleasantly surprised by their heaviness.

Atmospheric BM, I've been eyeing to buy their album for awhile now... Really great stuff and awesome acoustic work.
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So somebody posted an album here quite some time ago, and I cannot remember the band name or album title. I feel like it was not in english though. I do remember that the cover was like some gray stones in a grassy clearing surrounded by trees or something, there may have been fog. I know that's probably like a million album covers, but I figured somebody might know it. I would quite like to listen to it again.
So somebody posted an album here quite some time ago, and I cannot remember the band name or album title. I feel like it was not in english though. I do remember that the cover was like some gray stones in a grassy clearing surrounded by trees or something, there may have been fog. I know that's probably like a million album covers, but I figured somebody might know it. I would quite like to listen to it again.
It wasn't either of those two, unfortunately. But I will listen to those nevertheless. The cover was a photo, not a drawing.

And I'm almost certain that it's from the 90s.

I am listening to that Falls of Rauros album right now, I've been meaning to check them out for a while. Glad I did! This is great.
that's friggin awesome. Jan Svankmajer is one of my favorite film makers. He and The Brothers Quay are largely responsible for modern stop motion techniques. That mixed with BAN? Perfect.
So has anyone listened to Vhol? I can't find any songs at least, not on my mobile. It's guys from yob and agalloch and hammers of misfortune.

Gave it a chance. Sounds like shit. Waaaaay too much vocals over uber soft postrock/shoegaze black metal. Clashes in a bad way, imo.
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Nice! I'm glad someone else likes Murmurs. I've heard some of their demos but still need to check out the full-length- sounds good from the song you posted. You should also check out Disa's solo project Turdus Merula (either of the full lengths). It's similar but more atmospheric. The songwriting and arrangements are at times excellent.
apparently Darkestrah has a new album coming out this year. Very excited for it. Here's a track from their album Sary Oy

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