Black Metal.

Can you recommend bands similar to these, specifically Mortifera? I really enjoyed that song.

First of all check out the rest of that album, the whole thing is comperable to that first song. It's hard to say who Mortifera sounds like exactly. A lot of the riff patterns remind me of Mutiilation, expect pretty. Perhaps Nyktalgia have a similar blend of rawness and melancholia, though Nyktalgia can be prone to Burzum worship.

Excellently written review, it convinced me to check it out! There's not much from it on youtube yet unfortunately. I'll listen to some older Aosoth in the meantime!

Thanks! Let me know what you think when you hear it for yourself.
Hello there, just uploaded the first song I ever got to complete, in soundcloud.

Maybe it's not real black metal and sorry for the self-promotion, but every poster here is very experienced with music and I thought I could get a really constructive criticism, so any views on the song are really welcome. Sorry again if it's the wrong thread for something like this.
Hello there, just uploaded the first song I ever got to complete, in soundcloud.

Maybe it's not real black metal and sorry for the self-promotion, but every poster here is very experienced with music and I thought I could get a really constructive criticism, so any views on the song are really welcome. Sorry again if it's the wrong thread for something like this.

I thought it was pretty good. I think I am catching a strong Deathspell and Leviathan influence.
Hello there, just uploaded the first song I ever got to complete, in soundcloud.

Maybe it's not real black metal and sorry for the self-promotion, but every poster here is very experienced with music and I thought I could get a really constructive criticism, so any views on the song are really welcome. Sorry again if it's the wrong thread for something like this.

nicely done. especially like the 2nd half when it gets very doomy and all that, and that clean guitar part. and like WT said, quite a bit of DSO and Lev' stylings, which i really dig. overall, i approve
I thought it was pretty good. I think I am catching a strong Deathspell and Leviathan influence.

nicely done. especially like the 2nd half when it gets very doomy and all that, and that clean guitar part. and like WT said, quite a bit of DSO and Lev' stylings, which i really dig. overall, i approve

Thank you so much for you time and your great words. Thank you, they mean a lot.
^ Pretty solid stuff, Hellhounds. Enjoyed it a lot.

This band is pretty screechy but their sound kind of grows on you. It's pretty interesting, not sure how an entire album of this would be like, yet but so far digging this song.

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Love me some Black Metal. Nokturnal Mortum, Summoning, Xasthur, Nabaath, Taake, Borknagar, Dissection, Leviathan, Horna, Kampfar, Sargeist, Urgehal, Satyricon, Immortal, Vreid, etc.. as well as the more "popular" bands like Mayhem, 1349, Marduk, Emperor, etc.
All the bands you listed are "popular".

Had to share this here, I'd recommend it to anyone who digs Blut Aus Nord and Oranssi Pazuzu, or any other psychedelic avant black metal outfits. There's also a huge Sonic Youth/My Bloody Valentine post-punk vein in there.

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