Black Metal.

Swedish black metal, quite melodic with nice interludes and an eerie atmosphere. I can really recommend it. Lots of ambient synth stuff.
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I don't really like much of it but...yeah...Blasphemy, Axis Of Advance, and a lil bit of Revenge were clicking hard enough this time that I'm checking out some more stuff. I always liked some black/death acts (mainly Blasphemy, Order From Chaos, and Teitanblood), but never enough that I could consider more than, like, 10 bands from the genre to be fun to listen to.

NP: Archgoat - Whore Of Bethlehem

Like, this band...they seem to have the sound down on this album I guess.

Yeah, there is a lot of crap dispersed in that war/bestial faygo war metal, but the ones you listed are stellar. Pretty much anything by the guys in Axis of Advance is amazing.
At first I thought he was suing his mother...Must of picked up that pile of trash off the floor while he was cleaning the motel bathrooms.

I actually own CDs from Tearstained, Buried Beneath and Night Conquers Day. Not bad.
This was posted yesterday. I get the feeling I see my future Best Black Metal Album of 2013. The original cut of this is 14 minutes long. Fuck edits, but whatever.

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I never heard Aosoth until you posted about them a few pages back. This band is unbelievably awesome. Other than the new album, where's a good place to start?
Their new album that is coming out this year or their newer one from 2011? If so, grab that as well. "III: Violence and Variations" I haven't heard Ashes of Angels and I've only heard the self-titled a few times. Get everything you find tbh...
Due to no Thursday ticket, I'm actually most stoked to see all of the French BM bands at MDF. Had a chance to see Aosoth while in France, but wimped out. It might be too soon, but it'd be pretty cool if they played stuff from IV: Arrow in the Heart.
Wait,what? Which French BM bands are making an appearance at MDF? I haven't paid much attention to all the hub bub since it's just another year I won't be attending (and will not be going back for quite some time).