Black Metal.

Ruins of Beverast new release? Hell yes.

Though I really like old Thyrfing, I'm not too much feeling this new song. It's okay, I guess but doesn't compare imo. From their new album:

Edit: Speaking of Ruins of Beverast, anyone into Elysian Blaze? They are more on the funeral doom side, but they have some touch of BM. Sort of a funeral doom version of TRoB.

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I cannot take Thyrfing seriously because their band name sounds like a gay man pronouncing the word "surfing" :lol:

Heh, scandinavians don't have the same th-sound as you do. So it's just pronounced like a t, making it hard to miss even if you are heavily intoxicated.

Also, the "y" is pronounced in a way you normally don't hear in English. It is pronounced like the "ue" in French "vue".
Interesting point,I generally steer clear of weirdo/bullshit bm from europe unless it's in english.Some of my favourites totally pissed off band's lyrics are in plain english unless it's Ulver,Arckanum or something...tbh I get more from bands like Revenge,Sad X ect than I ever would from a non english speaking band..Bilingual college students open fire.
Well, it's a very subjective matter. You cannot really agree or disagree. But I feel the exact opposite. I tend to like English cliché band names, titles or lyrics less than songs, bands using unknown language. It takes away some atmosphere for me when the lyrics means something much more bland than what I would have imagined myself when listening to the music.

Maybe this is why I really like German black metal. I understand German but not in a way that ruins the overall feeling. The same goes for French, Finnish or eastern European metal. These are my favourite countries for BM.

I also like music using language that is not real or contemporary. Like Arckanum, Njiqahdda, Lunar Aurora or similar.
Njiqahdda does a great job of that, actually.

I've been thinking about using Bliss Symbolics in a future avant garde project I'll be making.

I gave Agape a relisten and it wasn't as bad as my initial reaction. The lounge element is all but absent, but I found that most of the surprises were in the rock-based riffs. Some of it reminded me of these guys:

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I'm becoming a slight bestial/war metal fan...fuck...there goes a chance at credibility. At least I don't like slam.
I don't really like much of it but...yeah...Blasphemy, Axis Of Advance, and a lil bit of Revenge were clicking hard enough this time that I'm checking out some more stuff. I always liked some black/death acts (mainly Blasphemy, Order From Chaos, and Teitanblood), but never enough that I could consider more than, like, 10 bands from the genre to be fun to listen to.

NP: Archgoat - Whore Of Bethlehem

Like, this band...they seem to have the sound down on this album I guess.
Black metal is one of the greatest metal sub-genres: rather emotional and with its strong own style. It can create a huge variety of atmospheres and moods, and as I listen it, my mind wonders and goes fuckin'crazy ; I love it. My favourite band is Immortal and their lyrics and sounds about the nature and winter, but I also like Dark Funeral, Bathory, 1349, Satyricon in their first albums, Gorgoroth...
Holy shit... I normally pick recs up from you guys, but I just stumbled upon this on youtube... I gotta share. It's like slightly less harsh, but more repetitive version of Xasthur, kinda...
