Black Metal.

For me, the best band in Black Metal is Immortal... There are other good ones like Enslaved, Emperor, Darkthrone, Burzum, Gorgoroth, Marduk or even Satyricon.

I actually think that the sound of Black Metal is the most brutal in music. As for the lyrics, I still think that Death Metal is more violent (see songs like Fucked With A Knife if you don't know what I'm talking about).


Look, its kinda pointless to bring such posts to this thread/board.

Most people on here ( including me ) have dug into every genre of metal as far as possible, to bands/songs on youtube with nothing with more than 20 views.
I noticed that you are a fan of Xasthur. I am the drummer from the project with Scott Conner, Nocturnal Poisoning (band). I am also the album artist for Xasthur Portal of Sorrow and Nightmares at Dawn. I am offering a killer deal, You get the new Nocturnal Poisoning cd, 2 cds from the band GRAVESIDESERVICE that Scott played bass for once he quit Xasthur and I played drums for, and lastly some limited edition pins. I will cut you a killer deal on this..

I can do this one time phenomenal deal that I am doing just to get the music out there to the fans. You get one copy of Nocturnal Poisoning - Other Worlds of the Mind, 2 Gravesideservice cds which is the project that I (Ronald Armand Andruchuk -portal of sorrow album artist and drummer from Nocturnal Poisoning) and Scott did post Xasthur, and 2 buttons, (limited edition Nocturnal poisoning / gravesideservice) all for 15 dollars.

Please add my facebook accounts to stay up to date on some awesome projects I am involved in and help keep metal and the arts alive
Heres what you get:
Nocturnal Poisoning - Other Worlds of the Mind (me on drums and album artwork, scott on guitar)
2 GRAVESIDESERVICE cds (this is the band Scott/malefic played bass on and I did drums for post Xasthur)
2 buttons (limited edition Nocturnal poisoning / gravesideservice)

The weird thing about this being posted is that I was going to inquire if any of you have heard Nocturnal Poisoning.
Yeah the new Aosoth is insanely good. I'm lucky enough to have gotten an advance through one of the websites I write for and the whole album is phenomenal from start to finish. Probably my favorite BM release since Paracletus.

Paysage d'Hiver just released its fist album in six years. Anyone listen to it yet?
I gave it a listen on youtube, more of the same to be quite honest. There was a time when I blew loads to stuff like Paysage d'Hiver, but these days I'm not so much into the super-raw ambient stuff. Maybe its just because New York hasn't had a really big snowstorm in almost 3 years.
Just ordered the new Imperium Dekadenz. Saw a few opinions that it doesn't live up to their last release, but I have to have it anyway. Also looking forward to the new Aosoth. If I'm able to make it to MDF they will definitely be my #1 must see.
Tried the first track off the new Paysage....didn't seem too special. Sounded an awful lot like Darkspace actually. I almost wondered if I got duped.
They've always sounded similar, which isn't surprising since Paysage d'Hiver is Darkspace's guitarist/vocalist's solo project. And yeah, it basically sounds like all his other records, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Still, I was hoping he'd add at least a few new wrinkles to his sound after six years.
Yeah dude it's like OM II. Literally the best bass work I've heard, intensely jazzy groovology, brilliant horn and chromatic percussion parts. Well-composed masterpieces that engage from start to finish. The album left me wanting at least 3 or 4 more hours of such standout profundity. I can't say enough about it.
I need to revist that album again...My first spin left me feeling kinda lukewarm about the whole thing, maybe their was too much hype, even from myself, because Negura Bunget is one of my favorite Black Metal acts.