Black Metal.

ClichéUserName;10563954 said:
Oranssi Pazuzu perhaps? they're quite experimental tho.

Maybe try Obsidian Gate - The Nightspectral Voyage kinda similar to early limbonic art

Lunar Aurora is pretty spacey too

I heard one Oranssi Pazuzu track and it was a little too weird for my tastes but I'll give them another shot. Lunar Aurora are amazing, especially the Andacht album.

I never really liked Limbonic Art but will have to check out Obsidian Gate anyway.

Maybe worth your time checking out Angst Skvadron too. Flukt fits the bill. Also, you should check out oranssi pazuzu's second album, kosmonument if the track you heard was from the first album, this one is a little more straight forward but still spacey.
So, with the exception of some standouts, I've been out of touch with Black Metal for a few years. What albums would you guys recommend on the post rocky, folksy, shoegazing, avant garde and epic fronts?

The last albums I dug were:
Vaura's debut
The 777 Trilogy
Dodecahedron's debut
Todtgelichter - Angst
Bathory, Satyricon and also Behemoth (not sure if they count as Black Metal since they are Blackened Death Metal).
Alcest's first album was pretty nice shoegaze sample. Still, I don't know what to think about their demo Tristesse Hivernale. It has horrible production, but it is what we're all about in black metal.
So, with the exception of some standouts, I've been out of touch with Black Metal for a few years. What albums would you guys recommend on the post rocky, folksy, shoegazing, avant garde and epic fronts?

The last albums I dug were:
Vaura's debut
The 777 Trilogy
Dodecahedron's debut
Todtgelichter - Angst

Few off the top of my head:

Eis - Wetterkreuz
Lantlos - (ALL)
Fyrnask - Bluostar
Cloak of Altering - (BOTH)
Few off the top of my head:

Cloak of Altering - (BOTH)

Checking this right now.

I really like Deathspell's latest, it was more of a grower than the last couple for me though. And I remember hearing good things about Drudkh's latest if you like them.
Checking this right now.



I really like Deathspell's latest, it was more of a grower than the last couple for me though. And I remember hearing good things about Drudkh's latest if you like them.

Not sure if your talking about Paracletus or their EP Drought, but both were badass. Deathspell has been on a sick one, been loving all their shit.

The latest Drudkh album was their weakest, imo...Still liked it though.
Drought. And I've only heard one song from the newest Drudkh, it dragged on a little too long, little too repetitive. I liked the tone and atmosphere though, hopefully the next one will be better. I looooved Microcosmos and whatever handful of songs I've heard off the albums prior to that. Blood of Kingu's second album, Moon in the Scorpio, which is most of the Drudkh dudes, is really badass too. That came out a couple years ago though, I hope they do another album with that project.