Black Metal.

Holistically speaking, Lantlos is quite good. I'm not saying they reinvented the wheel or did anything profound, but they write some high quality tunes. Based purely on their own musical merit, they are enjoyable to listen to.
Probably because most shoegaze fans want nothing to do with black metal. I've tried dozens of albums from the genre and the only ones I find tolerable are those two.

Hey.brooks, you mentioned you have stuff for sale. You have a list anywhere?
Probably because most shoegaze fans want nothing to do with black metal. I've tried dozens of albums from the genre and the only ones I find tolerable are those two.

Hey.brooks, you mentioned you have stuff for sale. You have a list anywhere?

So, not meaning to sound like a cunt, but do you think that a person that only finds Alcest/MBV tolerable and can't stand Ride, Slowdive, Lush, etc....can be called a shoegaze fan? I would say no.
Lantlos - .Neon is pretty great, but I never got too into Agape. It is too short, and tried to account for that by dumping bonus tracks into the different formats in a lame cashgrab.

Lush has a great discography, btw. Even that last album has some stellar moments. Just a lot more interesting than Alcest, who I do like.

Also, I started a thread about m b v in the social forum.
I've just come to terms with the fact that I'm never gonna agree with you on black metal matters. Try not to let it get to me. That being said Alcest is only second to my bloody valentine as far as shoegaze is concerned.



Because Alcest aren't (despite what some claim) really a 'shoegaze' band, and MBV aren't the best shoegaze band. So, again. No.

The new Darkthrone song is great.

Yes. Especially the last half.
I've never heard Alcest and My Bloody Valentine put in a sentence together. Wat.

Also, what's up with the Deafheaven hate? It's been a while, but I remember really liking Roads to Judah.
I've just come to terms with the fact that I'm never gonna agree with you on black metal matters. Try not to let it get to me. That being said Alcest is only second to my bloody valentine as far as shoegaze is concerned.

Well that just goes to show how little you know of Shoegaze.

For a start Alcest is NOT shoegaze, it just has elements of it.

Aside from My Bloody Valentine, you fail to mention Ride, Swervedriver, Curve, Catherine Wheel and a host of other excellent bands. And then let's not forget about dreampop, but thats another topic altogether.

Whoa, what? Over Slowdive, Lush, Catherine Wheel, Swervedriver, Pale Saints, etc.

Crazy, never thought I'd see a shoegaze fan who happened to like Alcest who thought of them THAT highly


Because Alcest aren't (despite what some claim) really a 'shoegaze' band, and MBV aren't the best shoegaze band. So, again. No.


Best shit ever.
Yeah, Pallbearer are just awesome live. Royal Thunder is ok I guess. I'd fuck the hipster vocalist with the spider on her head however.

You mean hipster single-chin Ann Wilson? Yeah I'd let her hit it.

So other than the thrill of chasing an impossible-to-find shoegazy black metal band, what are the perks of listening to Liam? I'm still not convinced they exist, but everyone who's talked about them says good things.

Do they share members with Tears of Medusa?
The perks of listening to Liam are nothing really related to black metal, but rather a beautiful expression of the darker, melancholic side of post-rock. I really shouldnt have brought them up in this thread, but when I did, I thought it might be relevant.

Their shit isnt too hard to find. Just off the top of my head I know that they have their newest album available for download on their bandcamp website. Name your own price.