Black Metal.

That leaves Liam whom I have no clue about yet. Will get back to you on that one.

I'm also curious about what you think of Agape. It's weird. Not in a bad way, just weird. It's really short and has really fucked lyrics and feels really depressed. I've heard Lantlos has a new one coming out this year.

Okay, rambling done... just letting you know your post isnt going on deaf ears. :lol:

Liam is really post-rocky too. Kinda like Hypomanie, not really a metal edge. Probably shouldnt have posted em, but give em a whirl.

Regarding Agape, yeah, its shorter only by a few minutes but those few minutes would go a long way, like on the other two...

Agape...Where to begin? Its such a paradoxical album with its warm lyrics and intermittent atmospheres, contrasted heavily with its extremely depressing and somber vibe throughout...But thats what makes their albums so unique...Each album has been so different and great in its own way, and with Agape, it all leads up to their climax where the focus is solely on the last song, which is my favoritep part.

Its like the first 4 songs were just so in your face spewing fucking bullshit, anger, and misanthropic shit in your face (which threw me off when I first listened to it) toying with you by giving you a few moments of solace, til they bring it back again. All leading up and taking you to he point where it all just lets go and releases, ending the album perfectly, bringing back the Lantlos Ive grown to love, but introducing a new side to them. Fucking awesome.

Now, its not my favorite, because that spot remains with their self titled, but fucking christ, this is a close runner up. It is however, their best piece of work, but its not the one I like the most, if that makes sense...
Einherjar86, where did you get the Bornholm CD from?

Krow, if you decide to pick up some Lustre CD's hit me up. I have these:

Lustre - Serenity (EP)
Lustre - Night Spirit
Lustre - Welcome Winter (EP)
Lustre - A Glimpse of Glory

I would do $30.00 shipped for the 4.
Neither did the band really from what I remember reading...I mean its understandable, the dude is busy with a bunch of other projects, Alcest being the one taking most of his time.

Doesnt really affect how I look at Lantlos because the material I liked the most, didnt even involve him at that moment.
I know you already know Lantlos, but I will say it again that they are one of the best in the sub genre, with a near perfect discography. Fucking brilliant.


Nontinuum are one of the biggest Lantlos rip offs (listen to the song 'Loss', and then listen to Coma if you don't already hear it for whatever broken ears reason) I can think off. Some of the riffs are okay, the lyrics are fucking appalling though.
That was alright, better than most other things I've heard him involved in, but nothing that amazed me. Solid is probably the best description.
I've just come to terms with the fact that I'm never gonna agree with you on black metal matters. Try not to let it get to me. That being said Alcest is only second to my bloody valentine as far as shoegaze is concerned.
Whoa, what? Over Slowdive, Lush, Catherine Wheel, Swervedriver, Pale Saints, etc.

Crazy, never thought I'd see a shoegaze fan who happened to like Alcest who thought of them THAT highly
Probably because most shoegaze fans want nothing to do with black metal. I've tried dozens of albums from the genre and the only ones I find tolerable are those two.

Hey.brooks, you mentioned you have stuff for sale. You have a list anywhere?