Black Metal.

Yeah they're great for anyone wanting to listen to some Black Metal that is truly unique and original, but it seems that most people around here just like to stay "secure" with the more "traditional" style of Black Metal.

It's more like most people around here want to stay away from sub-par gimmicky pseudo black metal.

Membaris - Entartet

Dont think this album was mentioned here last year. Worth checking out for sure.
Haha, yeah I forgot about that intro. It's not a terrible album, just well below the standard set by the first two albums.

Watched the One Man Metal documentary today. Damn, the dude behind Xasthur might be the most depressing person I've ever seen. Seriously seems like a fucked up dude. Dude from Leviathan seemed profoundly sad as well.

Been listening to Fauna's The Hunt a lot lately. Takes a lot of listens to sink in, as you might expect with a eighty minute song, but it's really growing on me. Looking forward to hearing their new one.

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I am so hooked on Verdunkeln it's not funny. These guys are seriously amazing.

Holy shit. This coming Oct I've been a member of UM for 10 years. Freaky.
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Dude thanks for posting Verdunkeln, I'm listening to it now, it is really awesome. I'm really liking the guitar tone, the drum sound, really the overall production is great. Very organic sounding
Been listening to Fauna's The Hunt a lot lately. Takes a lot of listens to sink in, as you might expect with a eighty minute song, but it's really growing on me. Looking forward to hearing their new one.

Really like Fauna myself. Have you bought it from them? Kinda wondering if their website was up to date/still active.
^^ I'm pretty good friends with Phil McSorley,i'll ask him and get back to you.
What do you ppl think of this,I love it,probably the bands best so far.
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I do not agree, my friend. Cold of Ages is really hitting all the right marks for me here. Is it pure black metal? Probably not. But it's a fuck of an album.