Black Metal.

I've gotten really picky about my symphonic bands because it was "the thing", along with deathgrind, where I grew up.

Chthonic writes catchy tunes but sound far too much like older Abigail Williams and Naglfar to hold my attention.
I actually don't think of Summoning as "symphonic." In order to be symphonic, I think a band has to incorporate more complicated orchestral structures. Summoning mostly just uses somewhat atmospheric synthesized layers; not really symphonic, in my opinion.
Chthonic writes catchy tunes but sound far too much like older Abigail Williams and Naglfar to hold my attention.

LOL, Chthonic are the ONLY metal band on the planet that uses the erhu and other traditional Chinese instruments in their music, so if there's one thing they CAN'T be accused of, it's that they sound too much like someone else.
I have been getting more and more into black metal... lately I have been listening to a lot of typical bathory, burzum, ever since last mdf an ass load of Inquisition, and Watain...
But I would love some suggestions. I've been listening other stuff but I wanted to post! Thanks <3
I have been getting more and more into black metal... lately I have been listening to a lot of typical bathory, burzum, ever since last mdf an ass load of Inquisition, and Watain...
But I would love some suggestions. I've been listening other stuff but I wanted to post! Thanks <3

Well take a listen to some of this as a start:

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LOL, Chthonic are the ONLY metal band on the planet that uses the erhu and other traditional Chinese instruments in their music, so if there's one thing they CAN'T be accused of, it's that they sound too much like someone else.

They actually use instruments from all over Asia, and are Taiwanese themselves. Erhu, koto, all those kinda things.

But yes, Chthonic is one of the only black metal bands out there who is truly on their own path. Whether that path tickles everyone's fancy is another matter, but they are absolutely NOT copying ANYONE.
YES. This comes out end of the month; fucking psyched.

I have been getting more and more into black metal... lately I have been listening to a lot of typical bathory, burzum, ever since last mdf an ass load of Inquisition, and Watain...
But I would love some suggestions. I've been listening other stuff but I wanted to post! Thanks <3

Check out Ketzer

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So I finally heard Slagry by Master's Hammer, and when I say Slagry, I just mean the first song before I turned that shit off. What is this, I don't even. Were they trolling? Or was this just their Illud Divinum Insanus?

EDIT: Should I keep listening? Does it get better?
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About half of this song has leaked as a preview. Yea yea Darkthrone isn't really black metal anymore but whatever I'm posting this here.

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So I finally heard Slagry by Master's Hammer, and when I say Slagry, I just mean the first song before I turned that shit off. What is this, I don't even. Were they trolling? Or was this just their Illud Divinum Insanus?

EDIT: Should I keep listening? Does it get better?

Wow, I never actually heard anything off that album until now. Thanks a bunch, pal... :erk:
They actually use instruments from all over Asia, and are Taiwanese themselves. Erhu, koto, all those kinda things.

But yes, Chthonic is one of the only black metal bands out there who is truly on their own path. Whether that path tickles everyone's fancy is another matter, but they are absolutely NOT copying ANYONE.

Yeah they're great for anyone wanting to listen to some Black Metal that is truly unique and original, but it seems that most people around here just like to stay "secure" with the more "traditional" style of Black Metal.