Black Metal.

That was tasty. Thanks, Franz. I'm gonna pick that album up this weekend.

Word. :kickass:

So how 'bout that Ash Borer, huh? Damn. Wasn't even in the mood for BM.

Which album? I remember liking their self titled more than Cold of Ages, but I need to try that one again...My intial spin left me feeling a bit unsatisfied, but that was awhile ago...
Really like Fauna myself. Have you bought it from them? Kinda wondering if their website was up to date/still active.

Honestly I'm not even sure I found their website. Saw their bandcamp, which has MP3s, but couldn't find any physical releases.

So how 'bout that Ash Borer, huh? Damn. Wasn't even in the mood for BM.

Yeah I like both of their full lengths quite a bit. The drummer is awesome.
Since I neglected to do it yesterday...

Fauna's official website:
The first two albums and a shirt can be purchased there. I'd probably email them before ordering, just to make sure.

Avifauna can be purchased here:

I'm scared of that website though, as the guy running it just screams douchebag...

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If Sevared and Comatose can run their massive brutal death metal distros as one man operations... it isnt as fucking hard as this guy acts like it is.
Also, double post since this isnt related to the other post at all.

Dustwalker. How many here have heard this one? Fen is my favorite post-black type band and this album is no exception, quite possibly their best.

Listened to the ██████ demo as well. Pretty solid post-black stuff, if a bit gimmicky with the name. Free listen here:
Spun it the other day and it treated me like their other two albums; didnt really do much to hold my attention and I got bored...There are plenty others of the like Id rather listen to tbh.
The clean vocals have improved, a bit, I think. Musically a lot of it sounded like leftover ideas from the previous album (which I liked quite a bit). I've had it for weeks and weeks now and still can't be fucked listening to it properly. Nothing really stood out.
Listened to it once, seemed like it might be slightly better than the last one, but not enough to draw me back to it yet. In general I find Fen innocuous with brief moments of beauty.

And thanks Krow for the info on the Fauna releases. That guy sounds comically incompetent.
Spun it the other day and it treated me like their other two albums; didnt really do much to hold my attention and I got bored...There are plenty others of the like Id rather listen to tbh.

I pretty much assume I'm going to know them because I really like the genre done correctly, but name me some of the other bands if you would. Really been in the mood for post black type stuff lately... With the shitty cold weather and whatnot.

Also Liturgy and Deafheaven are the worst two I've ever heard with Bosse-De-Nage not far behind.
If there was anyone on this board that would know em, its you, but Ill name the ones I dont think youll know...But probably will lol.

Here are a few off the top of my head, that fit my idea of shitty cold weather, and post black stuff...However, some of these bands lean a bit more heavily on the post-rock side of things but whatever, they fit for me.

Silence Of The Old Man

I know you already know Lantlos, but I will say it again that they are one of the best in the sub genre, with a near perfect discography. Fucking brilliant.
Silence Of The Old Man

I know you already know Lantlos, but I will say it again that they are one of the best in the sub genre, with a near perfect discography. Fucking brilliant.

Hypomanie reminds me of a moody post rock/shoegaze. Interesting but no real metal edge.

Lustre is a pretty good band, a little surprised I dont own any of their albums.

Celephais isnt really interesting to me, one of the few I hadnt heard of and probably because they dont have a full length out yet. Listened to Becoming the Deceased and ended up turning it off.

Silence of the Old Man seems pretty good. I remember hearing something from them a while back. I see Pest Productions has a full length of theirs pretty cheap. If youre a fan of the label, I think Alda - :Tahoma: is the best release there.

Caina bores the shit out of me annnnnd Velnias is pretty good. That leaves Liam whom I have no clue about yet. Will get back to you on that one.

I'm also curious about what you think of Agape. It's weird. Not in a bad way, just weird. It's really short and has really fucked lyrics and feels really depressed. I've heard Lantlos has a new one coming out this year.

Okay, rambling done... just letting you know your post isnt going on deaf ears. :lol: