Black Metal.

I've check out the stuff in the last two pages.
I like stuff like Odal, Heimdalls Wacht, Abigor, the first Farsot, Haive, Fimbultyr, early Manegarm, Nokturnal Mortum, Helrunar...

what I dont want, psychedelic type shit. Not a fan at all! Also, no doom. the doom love that UM gets is fucking wierd

Yeah, I don't get the doom love either.

If you like Odal, Heimsdalls Wacht and the like, check out:


That's just a small list of pretty good German black metal. Lots of awesome melody in the riffs.
Can anyone here recommend some Symphonic Black Metal to me? Perhaps stuff similar to this:

Or this:

And if you feel inclined to troll me for posting those examples (as I suspect some will), rather go ahead and recommend what you think good Symphonic Black Metal is.
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Can anyone here recommend some Symphonic Black Metal to me? Perhaps stuff similar to this:
Or this:
And if you feel inclined to troll me for posting those examples (as I suspect some will), rather go ahead and recommend what you think good Symphonic Black Metal is.

I'd recommend Emperor if you already haven't done so. Especially their first two albums "In the Nightside Eclipse" and "Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk" killer albums.

I've also been digging Advent Sorrow lately too. You'd probably like them.
Can anyone here recommend some Symphonic Black Metal to me? Perhaps stuff similar to this:
Or this:
And if you feel inclined to troll me for posting those examples (as I suspect some will), rather go ahead and recommend what you think good Symphonic Black Metal is.

Hey you might want to try giving Arcturus album "The Sham Mirrors" a listen. Though more regarded as atmospheric there's quite a bit of symphony in it, and you may enjoy it.
If you haven't checked out Abigor yet, they are an absolute essential in the realm of symphonic BM. I recommend starting With Nachthymen and working forward in their discography.


Borknagar is also a great band to start off with, their albums from the turn of the millennium are probably their most accessible.

Dornenreich is also very easy to get into, but their material has plenty of return value and doesn't vest itself completely in catchiness and a quick dollar.

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Yeah man, but don't forget about Decapitated, Vader, Behemoth or Hate. And of course I mean all Polish bands, not black metal only.

I love the first three Decapitated albums, superb tech DM. Vader also got some pretty good albums, and play great gigs. Saw them like 3 years ago in Sao Paulo, terrific show. Don't really like Hate's material. Listen to some of Behemoth's albums, I prefer their older stuff.
This is kinda black/doom, but I figure it'd go well in this thread. Band's called Wound Upon Wound, and a buddy of mine in Ireland was all "hey my friends have this band, you might like them" and the first fucking track had my jaw on the floor.

It's what I love about this day and age. People bitch that there's no good music, but there is, and it's CRAZY what you can find.

Also this album art is fucking sick.

This is kinda black/doom, but I figure it'd go well in this thread. Band's called Wound Upon Wound, and a buddy of mine in Ireland was all "hey my friends have this band, you might like them" and the first fucking track had my jaw on the floor.

It's what I love about this day and age. People bitch that there's no good music, but there is, and it's CRAZY what you can find.

Also this album art is fucking sick.


Badass! I'm going to check this out when I get home from work. Also Black/Doom might be one of the best fusions of music ever.