Black Metal.


Probably posted, but, Wolves in The Throne Room - Two Hunters.

I'm a fan of WiTTR but they always bring out the troll in us all.
Oregon should change their fight song to Vastness and Sorrow, and necro up puddles. In homage.

I didn't know Mgla put out an actual LP this year. Groza was outstanding! Downloaded With hearts... this morning been blasting it for the "homie" co-workers all day.
Jesus, how have I never listened to Ruins of Beverast before? So many wasted years..

I found most of his stuff pretty boring to be quite honest. Though I think I'm just at the point where I don't like the really lo-fi/ambient type stuff anymore. Shame, I used to be obsessed with it.
The new Behexen album is a big disappointment. My Soul for His Glory was a melodic masterpiece and really a creative branching-out. This new one is, just, mediocre and a poor attempt to rehash what they did previously, but with most of the edge taken off.

Yeah. That. The fuck happened?

Ruins of Beverast are mind blowing and life changing.

I've heard very little this year that has really taken me aback, but I have not looked hard either.
Good to see some talk about The Ruins of Beverast in here. Also, any complaints about not liking them due to lo-fi production or what not obviously never listened to Foulest Semen. That album has massive production. It sounds huge. I like everything put out so far though.

& yes Furia is damn good. :cool:
Good to see some talk about The Ruins of Beverast in here. Also, any complaints about not liking them due to lo-fi production or what not obviously never listened to Foulest Semen. That album has massive production. It sounds huge. I like everything put out so far though.

& yes Furia is damn good. :cool:

TROB's production has never been an issue for me. They sound fine, really. The music itself would still be phenomenal if they recorded with a toy karaoke machine.

I've never heard Furia before. That song is really good though, I'll check them out.

What kinda recs do you want, Kriggy Pop?
I've check out the stuff in the last two pages.
I like stuff like Odal, Heimdalls Wacht, Abigor, the first Farsot, Haive, Fimbultyr, early Manegarm, Nokturnal Mortum, Helrunar...

what I dont want, psychedelic type shit. Not a fan at all! Also, no doom. the doom love that UM gets is fucking wierd
what I dont want, psychedelic type shit. Not a fan at all! Also, no doom. the doom love that UM gets is fucking wierd

Krig, a few 2012 BM albums you should try:

Mgla - With Hearts towards None
Marduk - Serpent Sermon
Dodsengel - Imperator
Dodecahedron - S/T
Desaster - The Arts of Destruction
Winterfylleth - The Threnody of Triumph
Furia - Marzannie, Krolowej Polski
Azaghal - Nemesis
Kawir - Isotheos
Hades Archer - The Curse over Mankind
Pact - The Dragon Lineage of Satan
Ketzer - Endzeit Metropolis

No bullshit, just good old Black Metal. Both Ketzer and Desaster are Black / Thrash albums.