Black Metal.

Not really what I'm looking for. I'm looking for stuff more like Celtic Frost - Drown in Ashes
Then you might try this:

Or anything by "Menace Ruine", although they're more doomy than black:

If I remember correctly there should be some songs by Xasthur, that feature female vocals.
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So, to kick start this thread for the day with a slightly controversial topic... Is anyone else of the opinion that the satanic BM bands simply release poorer quality music? I don't have a problem with the subject matter, but could their devotion to the imagery be a distraction from the actual music itself? I had once assumed I just didn't enjoy the often lo-fi and thrashier style as I am an unabashed atmospheric/pagan BM fan, but then I look at other non satanic lo-fi and/or thrashy acts like Weakling, Immortal, Burzum, etc. and I really don't see the same issue.

Or may it all be whooshing over my head in that its not even their goal to make good music and the imagery and message is the only purpose?
While the majority of my very favourite black metal acts are probably not 'satanic' I don't think you can necessarily say bands who have satanic ideologies suffer musically because of it, no.

One example off the top of my head would be Dissection, 'satanic' yet extremely proficient musically. Or at least on the first two records, anyway.