Black Metal.

Well, thanks for the suggestions, but unfortunately neither song has nearly enough symphonic/orchestral elements or degree of vocal variety to be considered similar to early Limbonic Art (drumming was pretty good in place though). In their early days Limbonic Art made very heavy and significant use of symphonic/orchestral and keyboard effects, as well as adding in atmospheric chanting at times to give the vocal range more variety and power. I need something that isn't afraid to transcend the boundaries of traditional Symphonic Black Metal in the way that they did...
I don't know Limbonic Art well enough to react.

Well you should get to know them then (I'd suggest listening to the albums "Moon In The Scorpio" and "In Abhorrence Dementia") because they have probably the most complex orchestral/symphonic arrangements in all of Black Metal, and perhaps even in all of Metal. I challenge anyone here to show me any other Metal band that creates classical music mixed with Extreme Metal better.
P.S. And don't bother posting bands that include entire classical instrumental songs as fillers in their albums (those particular songs aren't actually metal anyway), or Haggard, who are basically just classical music with a tiny slice of Metal thrown in. The challenge is on...;)
Well you should get to know them then (I'd suggest listening to the albums "Moon In The Scorpio" and "In Abhorrence Dementia")
I do actually own the "In Abhorrence..." album on tape, but I haven't listened to it very much, to be honest.
Maybe I should put it on my iPod again.

I'm not that big into symphonic black metal and I guess it's hard to find bands who can nail this genre. I've noticed that people are very quick at putting bands into this genre, even though they hardly qualify (also a lot of crap got released during the Dimmu Borgir hype).
I made my recommendations based on the fact that both songs have this kind of "female choir" keys you were describing, but it's barely audible.

While searching I found out that some very funny person added "Carpathian Forest" as a symphonic black metal band on Wikipedia.
Here's a pretty thing: gloriously-dissonant drumming, deliciously-ominous chanting in the chorus, delicately-beautiful keyboard/piano parts, and the vocal effect they use starting at 3:50 just blows my mind. Why aren't these guys better-known?

They're a great band, perhaps one of the reasons few people know about them is the poor distribution. Never found any of their CDs on distros, not sure if their releases are too limited/small. They sound really interesting, and the covers/artwork are insane, most done by Mr Kris Verwimp :kickass:
I do actually own the "In Abhorrence..." album on tape, but I haven't listened to it very much, to be honest.
Maybe I should put it on my iPod again.

DO IT! It's pure class, they use everything from cellos and violins to flutes and mind-blowing keyboards/pianos:

Blistering fast hypnotic drumming and probably one of the most powerful atmospheric opening parts of a song ever:

One of the most glorious violin setpieces I have ever heard in a metal song (starts at 1:16):

They also make great use of ominous yet epic chanting at times to give the vocals more variety, depth, and power:

One of the most profound Black Metal songs that is driven mainly by a fast and powerful (not to mention mysterious and beautiful) piano composition:

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Since we're on the topic some of my favorite symphonic bands would include Sycronomica, Carach Angren, Sirius, Covenant, Obtained Enslavement, and of course Limbonic Art. Some of these may be melodic, whatevs.
Obsidian Gate should not be missed. Spacey Sympho-Black somewhat similar to early Limbonic Art. Check out '' The Nightspectral Voyage''
Listening to Nortt right now. Don't typically listen to funeral doom, but when you're in the right mood for it it's just the thing. Great use of sampling to produce a haunting atmosphere.
Does anyone here like Woods of Desolation? I recently started listening to them and am loving "Torn Beyond Reason". They have a new album coming out in a few months too. Great band - recommended for fans of Austere.
So I finally broke down and ordered Paysage d'hiver - Das Tor. Put it off because its insanely expensive and I was sure I would like the album less and less, but it just hasn't happened. Easily one of my favorite black metal albums this year. Still need to listen to the new Inquisition and Cosmic Church. Are they good enough to merit a blind buy?
I don't see anything speical about the new Paysage d'Hiver. The guy goes away for five years and comes back with a second-rate version of what he's done before. I mean it's not bad, but it's pretty pointless.
I don't see anything speical about the new Paysage d'Hiver. The guy goes away for five years and comes back with a second-rate version of what he's done before. I mean it's not bad, but it's pretty pointless.

I very rarely see eye to eye with you on black metal anyway but I get what you mean. I just particularly have been in the mood for it. It's cold and shitty and the album isn't too heavy on the black metal side.

Been listening to my Nagelfar albums lately too. Fucking amazing.