Black Metal.

Does anyone here like Woods of Desolation? I recently started listening to them and am loving "Torn Beyond Reason". They have a new album coming out in a few months too. Great band - recommended for fans of Austere.

Just recently listened to all of Torn Beyond Reason and I thought it was really good stuff. Like I've said before, it's like Alcest...but a lot less gay.
So I finally broke down and ordered Paysage d'hiver - Das Tor. Put it off because its insanely expensive and I was sure I would like the album less and less, but it just hasn't happened. Easily one of my favorite black metal albums this year. Still need to listen to the new Inquisition and Cosmic Church. Are they good enough to merit a blind buy?

The new Inquisition is easily worth it.

Also in regards to Lunar Aurora, I would agree Andacht is a bit overrated. Hoagascht is much better IMO. Elixir of Sorrow is my favorite from them though.
I've been listening to Sear Bliss lately. They have an interesting sound with that horn and all, but the vocals aren't really doing it for me. A little too un-intense if you will. The album I've been listening to is The Arcane Odyssey. It's entertaining, but not great.
The new Inquisition is easily worth it.

Also in regards to Lunar Aurora, I would agree Andacht is a bit overrated. Hoagascht is much better IMO. Elixir of Sorrow is my favorite from them though.

Hmmm I'll have to give that one a listen. I do like the tone and aesthetic, just find the songs themselves to be fairly pedestrian.

Been really enjoying Srontgorrth since Nagelfar got mentioned in here. Such an interesting evolution from their first record.
Wędrujący Wiatr: Polish atmospheric black metal in the vein of Drudkh, Nyktalgia, etc. Strikes that balance between melancholia, foreboding and majesty.

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Does anyone here like Woods of Desolation? I recently started listening to them and am loving "Torn Beyond Reason". They have a new album coming out in a few months too. Great band - recommended for fans of Austere.

Heh. Read your post just seconds after putting on Torn Beyond Reason. Really great album. I'm not sure they will last that long, however. Seems a bit too easy accessible.

Lunar Aurora - They're awesome. Not pedestrian at all. Andacht and Hoagascht are the most accessible but theyre still absolutely excellent. My favourite is A Haudiga Fluag (split with Paysage d'Hiver).

Nagelfar - Possibly my favourite band overall. Srontgorrth is my favourite together with Virus West. Both albums are in my top 10 of metal releases.

Sear Bliss - I really enjoyed their first couple of albums. Then they became too generic and they did not evolve at all. Nowadays I rarely listen to them anymore and their albums are only good for nostalgic reasons. Personal favourites are "The Haunting" and "Phantoms". The atmosphere on these albums is amazing although the songwriting lacks a bit.
I have hunengrab and srontgorrth. I'm guessing virus is out of print? I haven't heard that one, though I've looked for it.
Does anyone here like Woods of Desolation? I recently started listening to them and am loving "Torn Beyond Reason". They have a new album coming out in a few months too. Great band - recommended for fans of Austere.
If you enjoy WoD, you may give "Kältetod" and "Bonjour Tristesse" a shot:

Lunar Aurora - They're awesome. Not pedestrian at all. Andacht and Hoagascht are the most accessible but theyre still absolutely excellent. My favourite is A Haudiga Fluag (split with Paysage d'Hiver).
"Hoagascht" is a great album, I loved their idea to perform all the songs in their local dialect. This gives the lyrics so much more atmosphere.

Nagelfar - Possibly my favourite band overall. Srontgorrth is my favourite together with Virus West. Both albums are in my top 10 of metal releases.
Srontgorrth is my favourite black metal album of all time :headbang:
I bought it when it came out and still listen to it regularly.

The "Simple Existenz" album Zorn did after Nagelfar has some moments that remind me of Nagelfar itself, but no project afterwards reached the brilliance of Srontgorrth.

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I gotta say I'm really impressed with Oranssi Pazuzu's Kosmonument. Reminded me of Sigh's Imaginary Sonicscape a little bit, but better. The range of styles on the album was vast, and the vocals really did it for me with its layed-back aggression. I have their first album which I need to give another spin. I understand that a third came out recently, so plenty of good material out there to go through I'm sure.
So, evidently Terra Tenebrosa released an album earlier this year that I managed to completely miss. Gave it a spin on Monday, and I was honestly a bit underwhelmed. Nothing really grabbed me, and it mostly sounded like rehashed Breach riffs. Thoughts?

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