Black Metal.

Everything SMRC and beyond I hold as a pinnacle of excellence. I never get tired of it. I think Kenose might be the one I listen to most often though. So many great moments. I always get chills in Kenose II at that part where Mikko screams "I am the son of Man"
Hey Nephilim, I messaged you the blog I got it from. I need to get soulseek too, tbh. Just use to blogs and torrents, but they are taking a lot of material off sites like that now. So it's getting harder and harder to dl through them.

DsO are incredible. If i had to pick best BM band it would probably be them. Kenose is a great EP, it use to be my favorite until Drought came along.

New find: Czech BM with ex-members from Maniac Butcher

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Been listening to a bunch of old black metal that I either overlooked or haven't listened to in ages lately. Listened to Nargaroth's Black Metal Ist Krieg for the first time in about a decade. Way better then I remembered it. It's no Herbstleyd but there are some really excellent tracks on it.

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Rekindling my winterly love affair with Drudkh, this time picking up Autumn Aurora and A Handful of Stars. Anyone want to recommend me some more less obvious similar artists?

(Oh and I don't care if you don't like AHoS, I like every album by the band to some degree)
Rekindling my winterly love affair with Drudkh, this time picking up Autumn Aurora and A Handful of Stars. Anyone want to recommend me some more less obvious similar artists?

(Oh and I don't care if you don't like AHoS, I like every album by the band to some degree)

Swedish Skogen.

From the link above:

"Followers of DRUDKH, PRIMORDIAL and early ULVER, beware, this album will claim your very soul." :goggly:
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So, I’ve been on a ‘let’s give black metal another spin’ kind of mood over the last week. Never been much of a fan but really can’t shake off that ‘you are missing something feeling’ :) That being the case, I was wondering if those with more knowledge of the genre could throw some recommendations my way. We have the following albums on rotation:

Aquilus - Griseus
Walknut - Graveforests and Their Shadows
Dordeduh - Dar de Duh
Ascension - Consolamentum
Inquisition - Obscure Verses for the Multiverse
Katharsis - Fourth Reich
Moloch - Isolation der Essenz
Lychgate - Lychgate

I know the usual suspects (Mayhem, Darkthrone, Burzum, Emperor, Ulver, Arcturus, etc), but aside from the occasional Emperor and Burzum, I don’t really care much for those and I have also never been much of a fan of the super raw/poorly produced style as done by early Burzum, Darkthrone and Mayhem.

If it helps, I enjoy black/doom acts like Dolorian, Nortt, Raventale and Elysian Blaze. But I don’t like the post-black metal stuff like Closed Room, Lantlôs or lovesilkpalemilk.

Thanks in advance!
I know they did it that way on purpose, as did Barkthrone and Burzum. Just saying I am not a fan of that style :p