Black Metal.

Over on MA I saw a thread that Dawn is re-releasing/ mastering their previous records in anticipation of a new record next year. I'm a big fan of 'Slaughtersun' and can't wait to pick up the re-release. Hopefully the new one doesn't disappoint.
Not sure why three posters here need to slobber all over that albums dick constantly.

Edit: a slaughtersun reissue would be pretty cool. Would definitely pick that up.
I don't know if Engram is the best black metal album of the past decade, but I know it's better than Paracletus, that Velvet Cacoon album, etc, so these kids don't seem to have a point.
It's an expression, asshole. If you stop vilifying me you might find that i'm not a terrible person from every angle. Fuck.
War Wolf is outstanding.

I don't know if Engram is the best black metal album of the past decade, but I know it's better than Paracletus, that Velvet Cacoon album, etc, so these kids don't seem to have a point.

Shush gramps.

War Wolf is outstanding.


Yeah the first two songs on that album are killer.

If it isn't a blank list it is wrong.

Jesus. If Mort ever becomes the one to deem what's "right" and "wrong" in music I'm impaling my ear drums.
Dordeduh makes Negura Bunget an easy recommendation.

Thansk, Krow. Checked a couple of songs from Om and it was quite nice. Also heard a couple from their latest but it seemd to be less cohesive and teneded to wanter quite a bit. It was still nice tho, will listen to some more.

Thanks, Eligos!

Those Averse Sefira songs were cool, they are not as overly aggressive as Katharsis (which may or may not be a good thing, have to spin both some more to decide), but it is definitely something I can find myself coming back to. Nokturnal Mortum song was nice and I also liked Dornenreich even tho I felt the song was a tad uneaven at times. Good stuff in any case will check out more songs from these three bands.

I guess I'll take Beherit's Engram as a recommendation as well :)
That list would be pretty massive. I mean it's better than the garbage they released in the 90s but still, it's a fairly pedestrian record.

Yeah, I totally agree. It's better than Drawing Down the Moon, etc. by quite a bit, but it's still nowhere near the best album of the past decade. It's simply ok.
If it isn't a blank list it is wrong.

I'm curious, outside of Engram (:Puke:), name some of your other top BM albums of the decade from 2003 to 2013?

Thansk, Krow. Checked a couple of songs from Om and it was quite nice. Also heard a couple from their latest but it seemd to be less cohesive and teneded to wanter quite a bit. It was still nice tho, will listen to some more.

Yeah, Om is an awesome album. Definitely check out most of their stuff, it's very good.
throw some recommendations my way.

Should probably go check out Inquisition's other albums - I think if you like one you'll like at least a couple more (I have mainly listened to Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm and Into the Infernal Regions of the Ancient Cult).

I would second Negura Bunget. There's also Antaeus (Blood Libels), Dissection (The Somberlain), Enslaved (Vikingligr Veldi), Blut Aus Nord (The Work Which Transforms God, Sects), Oranssi Pazuzu (Muukalainen Puhuu).

Anyway those are just some random suggestions.
I'm curious, outside of Engram (:Puke:), name some of your other top BM albums of the decade from 2003 to 2013?

Ascension - Consolamentum
Cultes Des Ghoules - Haxan
Dark Tribe - In Jeraspunta - Die Rückkehr der Tollwütigen Bestie
Negura Bunget - OM
Hades Archer - For the Diabolical Ages
Inquisition - Nefarious Dismal Orations
Katharsis - VVorld VVithout End
Lunar Aurora - Andacht
Morrigan - Welcome to Samhain
Averse Sefira - Tetragrammatical Astygmata
Sorcier Des Glaces - Moonrise in Total Darkness
There's also Antaeus (Blood Libels), Dissection (The Somberlain), Enslaved (Vikingligr Veldi), Blut Aus Nord (The Work Which Transforms God, Sects), Oranssi Pazuzu (Muukalainen Puhuu).

Anyway those are just some random suggestions.

Thanks, [)eadmund :) Will check those out. I had hear Enslaved's Frost and if I recall correctly Mardraum as well. They were nice, will have to revisit them again.
Hm. I just noticed that the melody of the all praised Silent Hill 2 song "Promise" is ...ehhrmm... "inspired" by Swedish black metal band Ophthalamia's intro song on the Via Dolorosa album :lol:

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Ascension - Consolamentum
Cultes Des Ghoules - Haxan
Dark Tribe - In Jeraspunta - Die Rückkehr der Tollwütigen Bestie
Negura Bunget - OM
Hades Archer - For the Diabolical Ages
Inquisition - Nefarious Dismal Orations
Katharsis - VVorld VVithout End
Lunar Aurora - Andacht
Morrigan - Welcome to Samhain
Averse Sefira - Tetragrammatical Astygmata
Sorcier Des Glaces - Moonrise in Total Darkness

I agree with you on quite a few of those. Most of those are better than Engram.
Well yeah.., Engram, In Jeraspunta, Haxan, Inheritance of Evilness. Somewhere there. My most listened black metal album from that period is the second Kult Ofenzivy but I understand it's not everyone's cup of tea. Whenever I mention it to Schmidt on Facebook he responds RATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA.