Black Metal.


It always type that with my left hand and put da hornz up on the other. \m/

Also, yeah, Engram is pretty much amazing. Go fuck yourself.
All the RoB stuff after Unlock the Shrine is just too muddy and lacking in aggression for me. Rain Upon... is just outright boring to me outside from one and a half tracks. Foulest Semen... is better, but still feels like a different band than on Unlock the Shrine.

On an unrelated note, I guess this is close enough to black metal.
It reminds me of like, a far superior version of Ludicra sometimes. Some common members there. Other times, lays some heavy d-beats.
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^ Nice to hear something new from the folk from Ludicra. I'll have to check out that album.

And while we're on the topic of best black metal from 04-13 this would be my list based on a quick scan through my iTunes.

Blut Aus Nord- The Work Which Transforms God
Burzum- Belus
Deathspell Omega- Paracletus
Deathspell Omega- Fas
Drudkh- Autumn Aurora
Mortifera- Vastiia tenebrd mortifera
Ohtar- Petrified Breath of Hope
Ruins of Beverast- Foulest Semen of a Sheltered Elite
Thoth- From the Abyss of Dungeons of Darkness
Velvet Cacoon- Genevieve
The best BM albums from the past 10 years?

In no particular order:

1 - Negura Bunget - OM
2 - Drudkh - Blood on Our Wells
3 - Deathspell Omega - Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum
4 - Taake - Hordalands Doedskvad
5 - Cobalt - Eater of Birds
6 - Inquisition - Nefarious Dismal Orations
7 - Ascension - Consolamentum
8 - Aosoth - III
9 - Hades Archer - For the Diabolical Ages
10 - Lunar Autora - Andacht
11 - Mgla - With Hearts towards None

BTW Engram is a great album. Edit: Couldn't let Mgla out of the list. Groza could also make it.
So I guess my question is how can a top ten list from the past ten years not have Summoning on there?

Because they haven't released a good, let alone great album in the last ten years. They've just regurgitated the same old sound. And it's not really black metal anymore. It's video game music with black metal vocals and some muddy riff lost deep in the mix.

Do you guys consider Marrow of the Spirt or Voice of Steel to be black metal? I feel like these days you need a second list for all the great black metal-hybrid albums.
They've always been video game music with black metal vocals so there's been no change there. Plus, 'Oath Bound' is arguably my favorite release by them. They can keep spewing forth the same type of music from album to album and I'll be a content fan.
God I thought Oath Bound was boring as fuck. Yeah they've always been a synths-first band, but at least the old albums actually had solid riffs to supplement the syths. On the new album the guitars are basically just there to add some fluff.
Deathspell Omega- Paracletus
Deathspell Omega- Fas
Drudkh- Autumn Aurora
Ruins of Beverast- Foulest Semen of a Sheltered Elite

1 - Negura Bunget - OM
2 - Drudkh - Blood on Our Wells
8 - Aosoth - III
10 - Lunar Autora - Andacht

These are on my list, and I'd also add:

The Ruins of Beverast - Rain Upon The Impure, Oranssi Pazuzu - Muukalainen Puhuu, Wedard - Einsamer Winterweg, Drudkh - Microcosmos, etc.
I'd consider Voice of Steel, but not Marrow of the Spirit. Great album nevertheless, but not "Black Metal enough".

See it's so hard to judge these days because there are so many bands that integrate black metal with a ton of other elements. Is Muukalainen Puhuu really any more black metal than Marrow of the Spirit?

Top 5 semi-black metal albums from 04-13:

Agalloch- Marrow of the Spirit
Nokturnal Mortum- Voice of Steel
Oranssi Pazuzu- Muukalainen Puhuu
Lantlos- Neon
Deafheaven- Sunbather