Black Metal.

I havnt heard Breach but I felt the same way. It lacked luster, balls, and darkness. The post-hardcore influence is a lot more predominant on the new album, which normally I dont have an issue with, its just its not executed well at all.

The Tunnels was a way better effort.
Black Metal splurging on Icelandic bands. This band is incredible. Sorta on the lines of Deathspell Omega.

This is rad. Definitely gonna check out the full album.

So, evidently Terra Tenebrosa released an album earlier this year that I managed to completely miss. Gave it a spin on Monday, and I was honestly a bit underwhelmed. Nothing really grabbed me, and it mostly sounded like rehashed Breach riffs. Thoughts?

Never heard of them before, but I found this pretty average. The last few minutes were OK, but nothing special.
I'm not trying to advertise this to get popularity, I'm just sharing because I've been on the forum a few years now and have known a lot of you for some time. I will be playing drums my band Burning Bethlehem's album that is to come out during the winter. Prior to joining the band, they opened for Marduk, Deicide, 1349, and more. I'm not really trying to get you guys to listen to it because I'm more proud of this than anything. I'll probably end up posting a track or two one it's out. Thanks to all of you for making this forum kick ass and showing me great music.
For Icelandic black metal, I turn to: árstíðir lífsins- jîtunheima dolgferð. An amazing folk/black group that incorporates unique instrumentation, old nordic folk melodies, with some good old fashioned black metal. It's not only a band, it's more like an ensemble. One of the best releases of 2010. I heartily recommend it. They also released an album in 2012 that I have yet to hear...
Yeah, Souldseek is very much the best for this sort of thing. My only complain is that it seems rather arbitrary with the up/down speeds.

Soulseek >>> Filestube > Torrents

Also, a Google search for "artist + album + blogspot" yields good results most of the time.

There is also

Good site overall.
I listened to 'SMRC' by Deathspell Omega yesterday and thought it was really good. It had the intense/creepy vibe going strong. The only other album I've heard by them is 'Fas' which I just remember as being OK. What do you guys think of their discography?
I listened to 'SMRC' by Deathspell Omega yesterday and thought it was really good. It had the intense/creepy vibe going strong. The only other album I've heard by them is 'Fas' which I just remember as being OK. What do you guys think of their discography?

Recently I've been burrowing into their big trilogy (SMRC, Fas, Paracletus) and really enjoying it. SMRC seems like the most conventional of the three, but the other two are really cool. I would very much suggest giving them another listen. Fas has a lot of alternation between big silences and huge onslaughts, as well as some really weird/neat sounds (especially in "Chore for the Lost"). Paracletus has a lot of really groovy jagged stuff. There are a lot of great tracks on it, but the closer, "Apokatastasis Panton" really stands out.
Fas and Paracletus are some of the best black metal albums ever recorded. They're the kinds of albums that you need to give a lot of time to if you really want to get them, but they're infinitely brilliant records. I always pick up on something new every time I listen to them.

SMRC is pretty damn good too, but is a little bloated.

Some of their EPs are killer as well, i.e. Mass Grave Aesthetics.